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Massachusetts police officers receive commendation for saving life of suicidal man in Westport



Two Massachusetts officers have been acknowledged for saving the life of a man in Westport.

Lt. Robert Akin and Environmental Police Officer Kyle Gorham of the Massachusetts Environmental Police were recognized Monday and awarded a Massachusetts State Police Division Commander Commendation for their work in Westport in August of 2023.

Lt. Akin and Officer Gorham joined with MSP Troopers and Westport Police/Fire to locate a missing man that had entered a heavily forested area off of Route 6 near State Road Auto Sales and was threatening to commit suicide. Officers were able to locate the man in a remote, swampy area, where he was found in possession of a weapon and requiring medical attention due to his neck being cut with a knife.

Lt. Akin and others were able to safely disarm the individual and render immediate medical aid. They also assisted in the extrication from the woods to waiting medical resources. The actions of Lt. Akin and Officer Gorham resulted in a life being saved and reflect outstanding service to the public.

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide or in emotional distress, we encourage you to reach out for help. Call or text 988, Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (Veterans: Press1, Spanish Line: Press 2)


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