Massachusetts mayor issues executive order mandating face masks or subject to fine

A Massachusetts mayor has issued an executive order mandating the use of a face mask.
Mayor Carlo DeMaria of Everett issued the following order “to prevent the spread of a COVID-19 and for the protection of public health, safety and welfare”
• As of Monday, August 10, 2020, the City of Everett’s facial covering advisory for all public places will become a mandatory requirement.
• Anyone over the age of two-years-old must wear a clean face mask or face covering when in any indoor or outdoor space that is open to the public.
• Locations include, but are not limited to: parks, businesses, outdoor spaces, and all public spaces. Those visiting a restaurant may take their mask for the consumption of food and beverage, but must adhere to the mask order when entering, exiting, or moving about an establishment.
This order will remain in effect until further notice.
DeMaria stated in the order that people can be fined for not complying.
“I have ordered the Everett Police Department, Everett Health Department, and Inspectional Services to strictly enforce these guidelines and issue warnings and/or violations to those who are not adhering to the Order can be fined up to $300 per violation. I know these measures may seem extreme; however, this virus is extreme. As we continue to grapple with the spread of the coronavirus, the response to mitigate the current pandemic and flatten the curve has to be more vigorous. We must all understand the seriousness of the virus and work with one another as we get through this period of time together.”
Mikey Morty
August 9, 2020 at 6:34 pm
What an idiot!