Massachusetts husband of Lindsay Clancy releases statement after losing his three young children

Patrick Clancy, who has lost his three young children this week in Duxbury and his wife is facing charges, has released a statement through a GoFundMe fundraiser that has raised $600,000 as of this writing in just two days.
The statement is as follows:
Thank you all for your love and support. The warmth I’ve received from the community is palpable and your generosity gives me hope that I can focus on some sort of healing. I’ve seen all of your messages and contributions, including some from people I haven’t seen in over a decade and many I’ve never met. I see and appreciate everyone of you.
A lot of people have said they can’t imagine and they’re right, there’s absolutely nothing that can prepare you. The shock and pain is excruciating and relentless. I’m constantly reminded of them and with the little sleep I get, I dream about them on repeat. Any parent knows, it’s impossible to understand how much you will love your kids until you have them. The same goes for understanding the devastation of losing them. Cora, Dawson, and Callan were the essence of my life and I’m completely lost without them.
My family was the best thing that ever happened to me. I took so much pride in being Lindsay’s husband and a dad to Cora, Dawson, and Callan. I always reminded myself that each day with them was a new gift. Callan usually woke up first and would rest his head on my shoulder for a few minutes as he adjusted to morning. Dawson typically sang or spoke his thoughts out loud for a while before we’d go get him. Cora was a big girl and would simply walk downstairs. I can still vividly picture her coming into the living room each morning with her hair in a mess, smile on her face. We always started our days together, reading books, cuddling up on the couch, and playing with magnet tiles. I loved taking them places, whether it was scooting at Chandler elementary, vacation, skiing, out on the boat, or to Duxbury Beach, one of our favorite places on earth. They gave me purpose and I never took it for granted. There is now a massive void where that purpose once was.
Cora had an infectious laugh and was stunningly beautiful. She was the cautious one, but it was really because she was so caring. She used to say she wanted to be a doctor and a mama when she grew up and she would practice by giving Callan check ups. If she was leaving the house to go somewhere, she would pick someone to take care of Caroline and Charlotte, her baby dolls. She had all the doll accessories available, so her sitters were well-equipped. Before she turned 2, she was already wrapping them in perfect swaddles. We would tell her she’s such a “good little mama.” She loved all babies, both real and pretend. She loved sloths, unicorns, tea parties, going to lunch with Nana and Grandpa, and giving presents to people. She knew everything about princesses, her favorite being Sofia the First. She truly loved her brothers and us and said it often in her sweet voice. We did a lot of father-daughter activities together, like skiing and visiting San Francisco or just talking. I loved her, my first born, so much.
Dawson had beautiful, bold, brown eyes that beamed with friendship. He was naturally humorous and generous beyond the norm of a typical toddler, always willing to share his toys with others. For all the love he received, he always gave back more. His best quality was his pure kindness. He loved trucks, tractors, dinosaurs, Paw Patrol, “worker guys” and being outside. He was adventurous and mischievous and enjoyed causing trouble, which he typically found hilarious. He was also remarkably smart. We always said if we didn’t save enough for retirement, it’ll be ok – we’ll just live in Dawson’s guest house. He would hug me tighter than most adults and every night he told me in consistent words at bedtime, without fail, “goodnight dada, I love you.” We had a special bond from day 1. He was my buddy, my first boy, and truly a gift.
Callan was our easy going child. I always said it was because he was the third child – he had to adapt and he did easily. He was born with hardly any fuss and was by far our best sleeper. He was just an incredibly happy and vibrant baby, constantly smiling. Our nickname for him was “Happy Callan.” He was sitting on his own and you could tell he was enjoying his growing independence as he would grab any object within reach. Sometimes he joined my Microsoft calls in the background, playing in his jumpy. I would keep my camera on, too proud to leave it off. He started saying “Dada” whenever I walked in the room. The last moment we had together was our routine. I would come up from my office at the end of the day and swing him between my legs while he laughed and smiled. If I was ever having a bad day, Callan always knew how to heal me. Perhaps that’s why he held on a little longer – to spare me whatever pain he could. As excruciating as it was, I was fortunate and grateful to feel his warmth until his very last moment. Faith is my only hope of believing he felt mine.
Callan died with enormous courage despite being so little. Maybe it was his way of demonstrating what I need to do to press forward. I’ll always try to draw inspiration from him. He’ll always be my little hero.
I want to share some thoughts about Lindsay. She’s recently been portrayed largely by people who have never met her and never knew who the real Lindsay was. Our marriage was wonderful and diametrically grew stronger as her condition rapidly worsened. I took as much pride in being her husband as I did in being a father and felt persistently lucky to have her in my life. I still remember the very moment I first laid eyes on her and can recall how overcome I was with the kind of love at first sight you only see in movies. It really didn’t take long before I was certain I wanted to marry her. We said “I love you” to each other multiple times daily, as if it were a reflex. We habitually started every morning with a passionate hug, yielding a sigh of relief like we had each received the perfect medicine. If too much time passed with out a hug, she’d look at me and ask, “did you forget?” We mutually understood the reality that people can have bad days, but we stuck to the rule that when one of us got lost, the other was always there to bring them home, always. She loved being a nurse, but nothing matched her intense love for our kids and dedication to being a mother. It was all she ever wanted. Her passion taught me how to be a better father.
I want to ask all of you that you find it deep within yourselves to forgive Lindsay, as I have. The real Lindsay was generously loving and caring towards everyone – me, our kids, family, friends, and her patients. The very fibers of her soul are loving. All I wish for her now is that she can somehow find peace.
I promise I’ll put all my energy into healing and rediscovering my purpose. I owe that to all of you, Duxbury fire and police, our compassionate healthcare workers, our local faith leaders, the Microsoft community, and especially Cora, Dawson, and Callan. I don’t know how or when I’ll be able to do it, but your love and generosity will help me get started. I know that love always wins.
Cora, Dawson, and Callan, you gave me so much in your short time here. I don’t know if the pain will ever go away, but I’ll do my best to carry on in your honor. Dada loves you so much and will always remember you.
With love and endless gratitude
The GoFundMe is intended to help Pat pay for medical bills, funeral services, and legal help.
Three young children dead, Massachusetts mother to be charged.
Fed Up
January 28, 2023 at 8:13 pm
If my wife murdered all my children forgiveness is the absolute last thing she would get. She’s a disgusting monster whose sole role was to protect her babies from danger even if that danger was her. There was a time before she went off the deep end that she knew she was having terrible thoughts, if she truly loved her children she would’ve committed herself and prevented all of this. She could’ve just killed herself and saved her babies. This whole situation is just so tragic. The husband dishonors his children by sticking to their murder’s side.
January 29, 2023 at 8:46 am
You are a moron.
January 29, 2023 at 11:07 am
Yeah Robin Fed Up is the moron but the trash bag who murdered 3 babies deserves your pity! You liberals are complete evil psychopaths.
January 29, 2023 at 10:52 pm
Yes she pities the murderer. That’s fine I guess. But I do not get his reaction at all as he should be in total grief shock. And where’s his anger???
January 30, 2023 at 3:10 am
I’m a liberal and I could never forgive her or show any sympathy. Please know that we all think differently. In my eyes she’s a monster.
January 30, 2023 at 9:10 am
Bravo to you. Your sanity shines through.
January 29, 2023 at 10:47 pm
Absoluetly NOT!!!!
January 29, 2023 at 10:12 am
You are truly ignorant about post-partum depression and how it can completely take over your mind and body. Do some reading and research. This woman is a victim also. A victim to the lack of attention our society has given to such a debilitating condition. You truly have no clue what you’re talking about, and your judgment and nasty words are part of the problem.
January 29, 2023 at 11:13 am
Yeah but no problem 3 dead babies. Just add it to the 100 million abortions you demons have sanctioned. A boo hoo I’m depressed my babies must die. Completely demented.
January 29, 2023 at 12:05 pm
Not depressed enough to eliminate herself! Try again. All of your diagnosis coming from top scientists are purely theoretical. Fact is this woman is an evil psychopath.
Not a liberal
January 29, 2023 at 3:19 pm
Maybe you need to lay off that crack pipe. Someone called you a moron and you somehow assume they’re liberal?
“If someone says something I don’t like = THEY’RE LIBERAL!”
And why even bring politics into this? That’s how we know you’re a conservative. Your lot always tells on themselves
January 29, 2023 at 6:12 pm
You are stupid. Liberal is as liberal does. You liberals politicize everything. Look what was done to Trump! How about the Great Alex Jones? I don’t need a lecture from you on anything. Stop making this personal between me and the rest of you bleeding heart idiots and say something factual with anything of substance. Hooray an evil demon of a woman killed 3 defenseless babies, democrats rejoice. You’ve finally got your post birth abortions. Oh the poor mother she’s like a civil rights warrior.
January 29, 2023 at 7:03 pm
To be fair you just said something about them and then did just that lol
why bring politics into this? Then follow by bringing politics into it again lol , “ nothing you guys are saying has anything to do with what liberalism or conservatism actually is yet you guys keep this division tactic that communist countries are most likely responsible for creating within our country to eventually take over the west when we destroy ourselves with our on egos and arrogance, wake up , and really I don’t care what dude you think you are on if you hate being somewhat free and want to be completely controlled in every aspect of life or face possible extermination even then open your eyes and recognize the real threat to your lives it’s not your neighbor blue or red voter don’t be woke up .. wake yourself up
January 29, 2023 at 10:58 pm
Now your a moron! Now this guy represents all conservatives! That’s what you liberals do! Very immature.
January 29, 2023 at 11:08 pm
Thom you are lost. You couldn’t possibly lecture someone like me on the body politic. You go about your day living in a fantastical paradigm. You are a consumer of lies. Go play in the litter box with AntifaCatPiss.
January 29, 2023 at 10:54 pm
True! So depressed she killed 3 precious innocent children but didn’t have the guts to kill herself.
January 29, 2023 at 3:51 pm
This is the same as saying a bullied mass murderer is a victim. You always have a choice of not hurting others
January 29, 2023 at 6:23 pm
Thanks for having a functioning brain!
January 30, 2023 at 3:12 am
She was a nurse at MGH. She could have asked and received attention for her illness quickly.
Fed Up
January 30, 2023 at 1:10 pm
Wrong. I 3 children and it was well explained what it is and what to look for after the fact in the hospital to us at the time of birth. So you’re take that our society gives no attention to the problem is a blatant lie. She was a Nurse in a pediatric ward she knew better than anyone what it is. She’s a monster.
Barbara MacKenzie
January 29, 2023 at 9:34 pm
Stop she was sick,may God help heal this dad’s heart which is so broken. Send love and prayers not hate & judgement.
January 29, 2023 at 11:17 pm
Why not judge? Are your hands not clean? Judgement should be swift and heavy. Do we not use juries in America? Spend a few minutes thinking about what you say, and try not to let your emotions rule you. There will be no healing for anyone involved here. Only time will numb the horrific pain caused by this selfishly evil woman. Now go back to obscurity unless you’re going to add anything of value. #FJB
January 29, 2023 at 10:46 pm
I don’t get it either! It’s way to soon for that! He’s already “published” a book and talking about moving on.
January 30, 2023 at 3:08 am
I totally agree with you. I was told I was heartless and to show compassion for the mother. I could never forgive her.
January 30, 2023 at 7:07 am
You don’t know what true love is about. Forgiveness and mercy is what The Living God gives each of us every day. NEW MERCIES THE BIBLE SAYS
January 30, 2023 at 9:14 am
You are right about God. You do not have divinity, you are merely human and totally flawed. Your salvation comes from Christ, not by your actions.
January 30, 2023 at 5:09 pm
Agree 100%. She was a sick evil demon and there must be something really wrong with him that he didn’t see it. I thought he said they helped each other when they bad days apparently that was a lie. Some people are good at making up stories and his whole speech sounds like a story he made up in his head.
January 30, 2023 at 5:35 pm
You obviously are ignorant of PPS. She was in treatment. Maybe dad shouldn’t have left her alone with the kids.
January 30, 2023 at 7:04 pm
The Poor guy was likely doing everything—working to pay the bills, taking care of the kids, doing all the house chores (laundry cooking cleaning), homework, bedtime etc. Lindsay was probably not much help. I imagine he was at his wits end and needed to grab some takeout for dinner. If she had not threatened their lives previously, I don’t see why he couldn’t have left them for 20 minutes. She was probably just incapable of being a proper mom (too depressed to run errands and keep the house clean etc etc, and threatened suicide but hadn’t threatened harming the children)
January 29, 2023 at 8:08 am
Careful Fed Up, your ignorance and lack of compassion are showing. You have no clue about depression and how all consuming it was for this mother. While the Dad is trying to cope with the most horrific loss, he needs support not your hurtful comments.
January 29, 2023 at 9:32 am
I agree, no one knows the depth of depression unless they experience it themselves. She was truly suffering. To bad someone didn’t see a sign that something was off. He truly loved her. May those beautiful babies be at peace.
January 29, 2023 at 11:26 am
She was in therapy 5 days a week. Didn’t see a sign. You a truly a lost person.
Gail Heinsohn
January 29, 2023 at 10:03 am
Just imagine, when her sanity returns and she realizes what she did, how for the rest of her life she’ll feel she’s living in a nightmare. Both of them need our support.
January 29, 2023 at 11:33 am
Oh when her sanity returns, how lovely. It’ll be when the 100 million aborted babies return from the dead. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Hopefully Santa Claus will gift her sanity back next Christmas.
Fed Up
January 30, 2023 at 1:04 pm
Confession through projection. YOUR lack of ignorance is showing. I have direct first hand knowledge of depression and how it affects people. I have compassion for the 3 dead children and that’s where it stops. The ” mother ” waited until the husband left for a reason because she knew he would obviously prevent her from murder. Dollars-to-donuts she was acting A-OKAY right up until he left. The dad needs support and not my hateful comments? I’m sure he’s getting support and he’ll never see my hurtful comments on Fall River Reporter. The wife is a monster and the fact he supports her is a direct slap in the face to those 3 children.
January 29, 2023 at 9:23 am
The perpetrator of the heinous act will need to make peace with this act not her weak beta male hubby. The reaction of an alpha male to this despicable act would likely have included a fourth death. There is no redemption for this monster, and thus there should be no effort but a trial and execution. This commenter Wow just sees this as a trendy Post Birth Abortion. Welcome to the new America where up is down, black is white, man is woman and the murder of 3 babies is ok because the mother was depressed about her expanding waistline and the pressures of daily diaper changes.
January 29, 2023 at 10:02 am
Hunters and FedUp are rotten on the inside.
January 29, 2023 at 11:18 am
Clearly you don’t know Jesus. Maybe you enjoy the cartoon version. Satan was cast out of the kingdom of heaven. God said harm his children and you might as well tie a millstone to yourself and be cast into the sea. Have your head examined, you are a danger to society.
January 29, 2023 at 3:22 pm
Jesus is Satan’s b****. Sky daddy must not be all powerful if he does jack s***, or sky daddy is all powerful and he’s actually Satan. Which one is it?
January 29, 2023 at 7:29 pm
Clown, you can’t even understand basic physics. You can walk into a packed room full of love and light with all the darkness you can carry and none of that light will flee. You can walk into a dark room with the smallest amount of light and all of the darkness will flee. That is the power of God. Light from the darkness. What kind of demonic entity are you. Your parents must be proud of you. Your ignorance proceeds you in the ugliest way. You must be the demon who made the announcement Ecce Homo. It’s called free will and for you it won’t end pretty!
January 29, 2023 at 7:34 pm
Jesus Blood shed that you may be born again. You should rethink your insanely thoughtless comments. To be spiritless during tribulation will mean a horrible end for you. I’m sure if you continue with your heresy you’ll receive exactly what you deserve, damnation.
January 29, 2023 at 10:13 am
Why is this comment still here?
January 29, 2023 at 11:29 am
Censor people’s harmless words but have pity for a child murderer. You are canceled. FJB
Lisa Zalaski
January 29, 2023 at 10:17 am
Hunterscrackpipe says all we need to know about you. You didn’t need to type one word.
January 29, 2023 at 11:20 am
Just another post birth abortion. You are pure evil.
January 29, 2023 at 11:30 am
Yeah and the resident Joe Biden is Jesus incarnate.
I laugh at stupid people
January 29, 2023 at 10:44 am
Hunterscrackpipe, why did you even bother commenting ? Do you need attention that badly ? Good luck in life and I hope you never have to deal with what that husband is going through.
January 29, 2023 at 2:27 pm
I hope if I need that help I’ll be placed in a straight jacket. Why are you commenting? Are you Klaus Schwab? Would you like to silence me and give a free speech platform to this evil murderer? If so you are as sick as she is. Stupid is as stupid does. Lock yourself inside your home and keep your opinions to yourself, you are not qualified to speak freely! You have my attention now say something that matters moron! Move to Britain so you can be protected from speech with which you disagree.
January 29, 2023 at 10:23 am
To the uneducated ignorant people calling Lindsay a monster and also blaming the husband, you are what’s wrong with our country. How about you research postpartum psychosis before judging? It is rare and very severe. It is more than depression and more than the baby blues. It can include hallucinations and delusions. Seeing and hearing things that are not there, psychotic behavior. This was not Lindsay and that is why he writes “the real Lindsay” when he writes about her. I hope no one you know ever goes through this because this is the worst thing I can think of to happen to a person. Be a human being and have some compassion for this family. When she comes out of this, if she hasn’t already she’s going to be living in hell forever.
January 29, 2023 at 11:22 am
Oh I see one only need be indoctrinated by the failing school system in order to justify murdering 3 completely innocent babies. Contact a psychiatrist immediately, you are a danger to society.
January 29, 2023 at 11:25 am
Yeah no compassion for 3 dead babies. Why would you care when you supported the abortions of 100 million babies.
January 30, 2023 at 6:52 am
What “family”? She killed them.
January 29, 2023 at 11:31 am
Some distasteful comments here. Leave the politics and your perspective out of it. Do I agree with liberal ideologies? Absolutely not…but I have the balance and inner peace to understand others and not lose my cool and make everything political. We all handle and deal with things differently. The bottom line is three kiddos are dead, a husband is left to pick up the pieces, and the murderer is sick and will likely live a life of regret in prison…bashing how the father grieves and processes the situation is selfish attention seeking behavior. Would I forgive my wife, not a chance…but that would be my problem to deal with. My heart goes out to Mr. Clancy, father to father, husband to husband, man to man.
January 29, 2023 at 2:20 pm
Wow your so cool and Zen. Take some more Prozac. I’m so glad that you believe your opinions are more valuable than the lives of three babies. Since you have zero investment in any of this you’ve rapidly processed the situation and delivered your thoughtless diagnosis of the matter. I would have never imagined society would become so sick as to try and comfort the murderer instead of mourning and seeking justice for these tiny innocent victims of a depraved lunatic. Once this woman is deemed sufficiently rehabilitated by the demonic system maybe all of you bleeding hearts will hire her to babysit your children and grandchildren. I hope you haven’t brought your liberal east coast lunacy to Texas it’s embarrassing.
Luberta Byrd
January 29, 2023 at 12:04 pm
My heart goes out to that family,I personally think an abortion would have been a whole lot easier to take than killing the children, I didn’t see what method orhow she killed those children,
January 29, 2023 at 6:57 pm
Surely someone who keeps on and on here must be miserable. Hate to think everyone had his way of being. Truly my heart feels for this father who seems like has been a better father than many, has my condolences and I pray he finds strength to face the days ahead ….this isn’t and wasn’t for the political platform and no I am not abortion supporting just to inform you before you go repeating yourself again. You are to pitied as well.
January 29, 2023 at 11:02 pm
Heard your looking for a babysitter. Keep this woman in mind. Sorry to hear there is a limit on free speech here. In fact I am not miserable as I am not killing my children. According to you left wing zealots thoughts and prayers are no longer good enough, so save your breath. Abortion and post birth abortion have been a political issue for decades. At what age does a child become a living being. At what point does a human being have value. No one cares how you feel. Tomorrow you go right back to being a busy body policing peoples comments. You couldn’t espouse anything of value so instead you attack someone you don’t know. No suprise though as the intelligence level here is very low that’s why you’re all crying for an evil murderer. You freaking people are living in a fraudulent paradigm. Challenge me on that and I’ll have a few questions for you, otherwise stop whining about all of my comments.
Sharon Zimmerman
January 29, 2023 at 7:00 pm
I doubt she will ever recover from this once the reality of her actions hits her in the face. Has anyone seen photos of Andrea Yates in prison? She is truly a destroyed woman who will never “recover “. Probably the same future awaits Lindsay Clancy. If you haven’t seen a prison picture of Yates, try to find one. It proves there are, in fact, things worse than death.
January 29, 2023 at 11:02 pm
January 29, 2023 at 11:22 pm
Thanks Fall River Reporter for hosting this free speech forum!
Teresa Twomey
January 30, 2023 at 1:09 am
God Bless You for this. For understanding it was the illness and not her. I am a survivor of PPP who knows that I was just lucky to not have this happen to me. I hope he reaches out to our community of survivors to help to heal. There are so many of us holding them in our hearts – knowing it could have been us. Knowing that this illness does not discriminate and this can happen in any family.
Robert L Wolvek
January 30, 2023 at 7:46 am
Hunter, you’re one sick person, seek help .
January 30, 2023 at 9:25 am
Ok Doctor Who,your professional opinions must be cited in medical journals worldwide. I’m sick for my opinions but this psychotic murdering trash receives a reprieve from you. Says a lot about your lack of character. You are an emotion based beta-male culturally indoctrinated by militant feminists sporting crew cuts and forearm tattoos. Hunter and Joe Biden love a beta-cuck like you, they know that with weak men like yourself they’ll never be held responsible for their crimes. America is in decline thanks to “them” Robert L. Wolves. Next time check yourself before you speak your dribbling non-sense. Love always; The Biden Crime Syndicate!
January 30, 2023 at 7:24 pm
I know it’s hard for the non ill mind to comprehend, but I know 2 mothers who were severely depressed. Both heard voices during this time and were suicidal. They are normal good people who became situationally depressed. Both told me in shame that when they contemplated suicide they felt they had to kill their children first because in their mentally ill state they thought their children would be better off dead than without a mother. One thought about her breastfeeding baby and how he would wonder where his breast milk and mommy went. The other thought about her 5 year old daughter and how she’d hate her for the rest of her life for leaving her with a bad father (her ex) and how she’d have no mother to take her shopping for dresses for dances. One thought about how awful it would be if one of the children found her body hanging. One thought about her husband having to explain to her 5 year old son what happened to mommy and how it would break his heart. Both of these women admitted that in their broken minds they LITERALLY thought their children would be better off dead than living without them alive. They both said they knew their children would at least be in Heaven and they knew that if they left them alive oh Earth knowing they had a mother who killed herself would likely lead to all sorts of emotional trauma, so they preferred they’d just go to Heaven.
Now, both of these women said they’d think this and desperately want to die but KNEW they couldn’t smother their sleeping children , so they never carried out their suicides. Both women also eventually told someone as their thoughts and the voices grew more frequent and stronger. Eventually they agreed to inpatient overnight 24/7 treatment in group homes where they were monitored so they could not harm their children or themselves. One committed herself after growing tired of having to call a friend to go over every time the voices and or thoughts would start.
Again, these are both normal good people with beautiful children. They are part of good communities. You’d NEVER know this happened.
So I’m not excusing Lindsay but explaining what may have gone through her mind.
It is a shame that no one knew she was having such thoughts
May God hold this man and woman and their extended family in the palms of His hands as they weather this storm. Amen
January 30, 2023 at 9:01 pm
Situationally depressed meaning what? Did they not realize the situation they were in getting married, having children, cooking, cleaning, working, gaining weight, not leading a youthful glamorous life after bearing children? Sounds like a Sunday evening armchair diagnosis after 3 or 4 glasses of Boones Wine. So your saying both of the women told you they were “situationally derpressesed”? Doesn’t sound so much like mental illness as opposed to a chemical imbalance. I’m not buying any of it!
January 30, 2023 at 9:06 pm
It’s not a storm. It is cold blooded murder, regardless of the reasoning you put to it.