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Massachusetts group starts project to recognize the “Frontline Warriors” of COVID-19



Photo courtesy of Tiffany Timmers

When the COVID-19 pandemic began in Massachusetts, Tiffany Timmers was feeling helpless and wanted to do something to spread awareness and gratitude for all of the “Front Line Warriors” in the war against COVID-19. She then had an idea.

Called the Blue Ribbon Project, the idea is similar to that of the “tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree” concept where people tie blue ribbons around anything outside of the home to support the men and women on the front lines.

After doing research, Timmers came across the history of the yellow ribbon and when it was used for the Iran hostage crisis some 40 years ago. Yellow ribbons were tied around trees to support the troops that were being held hostage. She is now applying that premise to blue ribbons.

“The color blue has several meanings, however, light blue is a peaceful, calming, color. According to color psychology, blue is associated with trustworthiness and reliability. Blue is also said to promote feelings of tranquility.”

Timmons created a Facebook page where people can show pictures of their tied blue ribbons and also bring awareness with news about front line workers.

The group has only been in existence for a few weeks and already has almost 18,000 members.

“Blue Ribbon Project is about spreading awareness and showing appreciation. This COVID-19 virus does not discriminate. I’ve created this page for people to share their photos of the ribbons and bows they have tied around trees or displayed the ribbons and bows outside of businesses. My intentions are to show appreciation for our “Front Line Warriors” during this time of war. That includes anyone and everyone in the healthcare industry including our Fire, Police, EMT’s, hospital staff, National Guard, all groups of the military, and all of our essential employees.”

Timmers runs the group with friend Christine Balzarini and it has become something that Timmers is clearly passionate about.

“Please tie a light blue ribbon or bow around a tree, lamp post, front door, or even in your window to show support. It’s an easy, simple, fun, feel-good project, that the children can be involved in as well. I think most of us have the time to do it.”

In addition to bringing appreciation to those who are putting themselves on the line, Timmers also expresses strongly the idea of everyone staying home to help in the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The ribbon also signifies that you are staying home. Do your part in return for the others who are putting their lives on the line, as well as their family’s lives. Let’s come together, “flatten the curve”, and stay home. Together let’s stop the spread of this horrific virus! If we can unite at this horrific time, we will all get through this.”

If you are interested in joining the Blue Ribbon Project group, click here.

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