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Massachusetts gas prices hit new record with 13 cent increase



Westwood, MA, May 23, 2022 — AAA has announced that Massachusetts’s average gas price is up 13 cents from last week ($4.60), averaging $4.73 per gallon. Today’s price is 61 cents higher than a month ago ($4.12), and $1.82 higher than May 16, 2021 ($2.91). Massachusetts’s average gas price is 14 cents higher than the national average.

The national average for a gallon of gas has not fallen for nearly a month. Gasoline has either remained flat or risen every day since April 24 and has set a new record daily since May 10. That was the day gas eclipsed the previous record high of $4.33, set earlier this year on March 11. The national average for a gallon of gasoline is now $4.59 and all 50 states are above $4 per gallon.

“Gasoline is $1.19 more than it was the week of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” said Mary Maguire, AAA Northeast Director of Public and Government Affairs. “That sent shock waves through the oil market that have kept oil costs elevated. Domestically, meanwhile, seasonal gas demand is rising as more drivers hit the road, despite the pain they face paying at the pump.”

AAA Northeast’s May 23 survey of fuel prices found the current national average to be 11 cents higher than last week ($4.48), averaging $4.59 a gallon. Today’s national average price is 47 cents higher a month ago ($4.12), and $1.56 higher than this day last year ($3.03).

Courtesy of AAA



  1. MortisMaximus

    May 23, 2022 at 12:55 pm


    • Ken Masson

      May 23, 2022 at 5:49 pm

      So do you want him to nationalize the oil companies? It’s crazy high worldwide so it’s Biden’s fault?

      Obviously you just hate Democrats because you have been brainwashed to do. Or you just a hater, whatever! $10 a gallon in Europe.

      Record oil company profits. Maybe Congress needs to enact price controls and nationalize the oil companies! That will fix the problem! 😂

      And if you bought that big gas guzzling truck to hang you shredded disrespected American flag and trump flag from the bed back when gas was cheap not realizing that energy is a commodity too bad for you!

  2. Ken Masson

    May 25, 2022 at 10:30 am

    It’s obvious chicken shit who’s afraid to use his real name MortisMaximus is very immature which usually comes from low IQ. He puts extremist right-wing links of bullshit and expects everybody to believe his unsubstantiated crap. Most likely Dunning-Kruger, in other words too stupid to know he’s stupid! He probably believes that he’s smarter than professors and doctors! I wouldn’t be surprised that he’s also violent. Probably would bring a gun to a fist fight!

    The sad part is he’s allowed to call people childish names. Doesn’t say a lot for this site or the city of Fall River that has garbage local media.

    I’m willing to bet a Trumpublican runs this site.

    Because of lack of education fascism is taking over. People who think they’re fighting for freedom are really fighting for authoritarianism. Look how they wanted to overthrow a legitimate election and believe total bullshit about the election being stolen with absolutely zero proof except for crap from extremist websites with nothing back in it. Mr pillow is supposed to have expose the steal and spent a fortune proving nothing but yet fools will still believe him.

  3. MortisMaximus

    May 25, 2022 at 2:02 pm

    The rantings of a delusional psychopath. You wouldn’t know reality if it bit you on the ass. It is your group, antifa who are the violent ones. I don’t need to act violently because the truth alone puts fear into your blackened heart. You cannot answer any of the questions I put forth, you just respond with complete hysterics and hyperbolic non-sense. Your party is the party of Lucifer. Look at the actions your antifa carried out in the name of anti-fascism. Your antifa group are like hitlers brown shirts. Remember when your dear leader Obama said he would build a civilian police force, ANTIFA. I can honestly say that you may be the most ignorant person I have ever encountered. I care nothing of what you think you know about me. You have no power over my life and this is why you are so triggered by my words. If you looking for a fight go join the Ukranian Azov Batallion who you satanists worship. If you want to know who I am, click your heels together 3 times and disappear back into your psychotic rabbit hole. You have been canceled due to being an NPC.

    • Ken Masson

      May 25, 2022 at 4:42 pm

      Amazing you’re afraid of anti-fascist. Might be because you’re fascist? You know this country shot fascist trading world war II! So are you really that stupid to believe antifa was attacking the White House as a false flag? Are you off your meds? Man talking about fucking brainwashed. The above is the rant of a total madman or a total idiot probably both.

  4. MortisMaximus

    May 25, 2022 at 8:12 pm

    No surprises here from Ken Massonic! Get an original thought instead of parroting everything I say. The irony of calling yourselves antifa hasn’t hit your group yet; WOW! More of your hysteria and hyperbole. The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming.

  5. Ken Masson

    May 26, 2022 at 3:14 pm

    More unsustiated bullshit from Maximusmoron The chicken shit that’s afraid to use his real name cuz his friends may not like what he has to say!

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