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Massachusetts COVID-19 cases rise with increase testing Wednesday as city and town numbers are released



Today Massachusetts saw an increase in COVID-19 cases with increased testing.

Massachusetts has seen 1,045 more positive cases in the last 24 hours. An increase from the previous 24 hour period.

The Massachusetts Department of Health statistics show a rise in total cases to 88,970 with 128 more reported dead for a total of 6,066.

Massachusetts had seen 873 more positive cases in the previous 24 hour period.

13,013 tests were performed, almost 5,300 more than the total released yesterday, to increase the overall total to 489,953.

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Cases by City and Town as of May 19th

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Massachusetts residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine by current status up to May 19th
• Total of individuals subject to quarantine: 56,338
• Total of individuals who have completed monitoring (no longer in quarantine): 32,549
• Total of individuals currently undergoing monitoring/under quarantine: 20,560

According to the CDC, as of May 20th, the total amount of cases in the country is 1,504,830 with 90,340 dead.

In related news, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito today toured Symmons Industries, an 80-year-old Massachusetts manufacturer that has implemented the new Mandatory Workplace Safety Standards as manufacturing operations scale back up.

Symmons Industries manufactures precision plumbing fixtures for both commercial and residential use, and has been producing critical personal protective equipment (PPE) to support the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 response.

On May 11, the Baker-Polito Administration announced new Mandatory Workplace Safety Standards designed to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in workplaces. Developed by the Department of Public Health, the COVID-19 Command Center and the Reopening Advisory Board, these standards detail new policies for social distancing, hygiene, staff and operations, and cleaning and disinfecting that all workplaces must follow.

The Reopening Advisory Board also released new Sector Specific Protocols that describe policies, procedures and best practices that particular industries should follow to decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Businesses self-certify that they are complying with new rules by developing a COVID-19 control plan and displaying a signed attestation poster in a place on premises visible to employees and visitors. In addition to new protocols for manufacturing, the Baker-Polito Administration also released guidelines for other industries opening in Phase 1, including construction, laboratories, hair salons and barbershops, car washes, pet grooming and office spaces.

“The safety of our employees and customers is the most important priority for Symmons Industries,” said Symmons Industries CEO Tim O’Keeffe. “The materials produced by the Baker-Polito Reopening Advisory Board were informative, easy to use and specifically tailored to the manufacturing sector. We were able to quickly implement additional policies and procedures to meet the new safety standards, which will help us prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in our workplace.”

These safety standards and protocols serve as critical components of “Reopening Massachusetts,” the Administration’s comprehensive plan to safely and responsibly reopen the Massachusetts economy, and all businesses must adhere to and implement them by no later than May 25.

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