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Marion property raided and condemned over animal cruelty, feces in bed



MARION — Police Chief John Garcia and Town Administrator James McGrail report that a Marion woman has been arrested and her house was condemned following an investigation into animal cruelty Wednesday.

Lauren Fisher, 65 of Marion was charged with:
Animal Cruelty (Two Counts)
Interfering with a Police Officer
Resisting Arrest

The investigation remains active and ongoing and Fisher will likely face additional charges. She is expected to be arraigned Thursday in Wareham District Court.

On Monday, Dec. 9, Marion Police received a report that multiple animals were being neglected and deceased animals had been recently removed from a property at 464 Front Street.

Marion Police opened an investigation, and today, detectives obtained a search warrant to search Fisher’s property and home. Her house sits off the road behind another home on approximately eight acres of land.

At 11:16 a.m. today, Marion Police went to the property to serve the warrant, along with Marion Animal Control Officer Susan Connor and representatives from the Animal Rescue League.

Upon arrival to the home, it was immediately evident that the conditions were squalid. There was feces visible on the floor of the home and on a mattress and a strong, pervasive odor was noted in the home. A Marion Board of Health Agent was called to respond to the scene and ordered that the house be condemned due to the conditions inside.

Elsewhere on the property, there were multiple unregistered vehicles located, along with multiple dilapidated sheds and outbuildings. The town’s Building Commissioner was called to the scene.

Dozens of animals were located inside of the home and on the property, including multiple miniature horses, potbelly pigs, ducks, rabbits, turkeys, hens, chickens, dogs, cats and exotic birds.

The animals were taken into the custody of the Animal Rescue League. The exact number of animals and types of animals on the property is still being determined, but it is estimated to be in the dozens.

Fisher was at home at the time of the search and was placed under arrest when she allegedly became disruptive and interfered with the investigating officers.

The investigation determined that there were at least five people living in the home, including children. The Department of Children and Families was notified and arrangements were being made for the children to be placed with a relative.

Fisher is known to police.

This case remains under investigation by the Marion Police Department.

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