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Major roadways to be closed temporarily due to Brayton Point chimney implosion



According to Brayton Point Commerce Center, several roads will be temporarily closed for the implosion of the three chimneys at 8:00 a.m. Sunday.

To prevent accidents due to distracted driving (due to “gawking” or “rubber necking”), to prevent vehicles from pulling onto the shoulder, and to prevent overcrowding of local residential streets, the following will occur:

For regional roadways:

For implosion of the chimneys on March 24th, there will be rolling roadblocks (controlled by State Police) on west-bound I-195 that will last approximately 15 minutes.

Emergency vehicles will be able to bypass the rolling roadblocks. Certain entrance ramps onto I-195 in the direction of each rolling roadblock will be closed for the duration of the rolling roadblock (~15 minutes), except for emergency vehicles.

For local streets:

In Somerset, portions of Route 103 (Wilbur Avenue), Brayton Point Road, and Lees River Avenue will be closed to through traffic (open to local access and emergency vehicles, only).

In Swansea, New Gardners Neck Road and connecting roadways such a Cliff Avenue, Ocean Grove Avenue, Anthony Avenue, and Church Street will be closed to through traffic (open to local access and emergency vehicles, only).

These regional and local road closures have been closely coordinated with MassDOT, State Police, and Town Police from Somerset and Swansea.

Mobile traffic signs will be placed in DOT approved locations in advance of implosion.

According to South Coast Today, Veteran’s Memorial Bridge will be stopped, and there will be a rolling roadblock on Route 79 southbound as well.

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