MA woman released after arrest for impersonating police to rob, allegedly poses as health aide to rob 88-year-old

A woman who Brockton Police arrested earlier this month for allegedly impersonating a police officer to rob unsuspecting residents, was picked up by Stoughton Police on January 24th for allegedly pretending to be a home health aide before robbing an 88-year-old woman.
According to Brockton Police, Stoughton detectives contacted Brockton detectives to see if Brockton had evidence linking Carla Darosa to an incident last summer. On July 14th, a suspect dressed up in blue scrubs carrying a medical bag and wearing a mask and gloves showed up at the woman’s Stoughton home and gained entrance. The family reported a wallet, bracelet, and a set of house keys ended up missing.
Brockton Detectives handed Stoughton Detective’s identification records they recovered that matched the victim’s name in the Stoughton case. The evidence included a MA Driver’s License, Social Security Card, Department of Public Health ID, and Medicare card.
Stoughton Police also have surveillance video they believe shows Carla Darosa entering the home on August 13th. Darosa allegedly stole a purse.
Sunday, Boston Police accompanied Stoughton Detectives and one detective from Brockton to execute an arrest warrant for Carla Darosa at her Boston apartment.
Meanwhile, Brockton Police detectives continue their ongoing investigation of Carla Darosa. Police believe Darosa steals mail that doesn’t belong to her so she can commit identity fraud.
Brockton Police investigators say she has stolen bank and financial information from unsuspecting people so far in Brockton, Abington, Stoughton, and Boston.
Brockton detectives are also looking into whether she has filed false tax returns using other people’s names.
They expect to charge Darosa with several new crimes later this week.
If you think you may have been a victim, contact Brockton Police Detective Sgt. George Khoury at 508-897-5333.
Jake Perry
January 26, 2021 at 9:28 pm
Rot in hell you waste of human flesh!