Local dispatchers jump into action and save dog’s life Wednesday

Although no day in a dispatcher’s work day is predictable, for two North Attleboro dispatchers Wednesday, it became life saving.
According to North Attleboro Police, this morning around 10:30 a.m., an unknown female and male frantically entered the front lobby of the police station. With them, they had a dog wrapped in a blanket and stated their pet dog Polly had something stuck in her throat and did not know what to do.
Dispatchers Medeiros and Gould immediately responded to the lobby, where they observed the dog was unconscious and not breathing. Dispatcher Gould administered several heimlich thrusts until Dispatcher Medeiros was able to do a finger sweep and removed the food item out of the dog’s mouth. The dog was still unconscious and Dispatcher Gould immediately started CPR. After several minutes the dog regained consciousness. NAFD arrived on scene and put an oxygen mask made specifically for animals on the dog.
Dispatchers Medeiros and Gould calmly and swiftly took control of the situation, according to police, which saved the dogs life.
The dog’s life was saved and happily left with her owners, who reached out to their vet.
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