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Liberty Utilities announces road construction and street paving to take place in the coming days



A bulletin has been issued to give residents and drivers a heads-up concerning construction and road paving that is expected to take place in the city.

According to Liberty Utilities, the following Fall River streets are expected to have road construction by Liberty/Ferreira Construction for the week of June 6th. Delays and road closures are possible at these locations.

Borden Street
Chavenson Street
Clay Street
Crestwood Street
Doherty Street
Fordney Street
New Boston Road
Oak Grove Avenue
Quarry Street

A one block section of Fifth Street from Hartwell Street to Brow Street / Spring Street will be closed for new gas main installation. The street will be closed for the remainder of the week.

Also, please be advised that the following streets are scheduled to be milled and paved by Century Paving over the next couple of weeks. These are streets where new gas mains and services were installed in 2021 that were waiting final restoration.

Bliss Street
Delcar Street
Dexter Street
Highcrest Road
Jones Street
Martha Street
Merritt Street
Montgomery Street
Valentine Street

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