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Let me tell you about my experience at Southcoast Health Urgent Care in the Southcoast Marketplace in Fall River



Earlier this week, I thought I was having a reaction to the crazy pollen of last week and started to feel unwell. By mid-day on Monday, I was coughing so much, I had to leave covering the Karen Read trial because my cough was so distracting in the courtroom.

I came home and fell fast asleep and woke up feeling worse. My doctor’s office was already closed, and it was just after 6 PM, so I headed over to the Southcoast Health Urgent Care in the Southcoast Marketplace in Fall River.

I almost don’t want to tell you how good of an experience it was because I selfishly want to keep the crowds away, but honestly, the whole visit was perfect. I checked myself in with the computer right at the door and I had just sat down when they called my name to register me. They had my insurance info on file and got me checked in quickly. The woman behind the plexiglass was kind and considerate, even made a joke to make me laugh, despite feeling so terrible.

I sat down in the waiting area with comfortable chairs where the temperature was perfect and plenty of space for everyone to be apart from each other. I started coughing and asked for a cup so I could fill it at the water fountain and the woman behind the desk came out and gave me a cup of cold water. Within ten minutes, a nurse came and called four people all at the same time, and directed them down a hallway. Soon after, four sets of people walked out and within minutes, my name was one of a group called in next.

I had barely, and I mean barely, sat on the chair when someone was in my room taking my vitals as asking me questions. They listened, took notes in the computer and before they even left, a doctor came in to talk to me about what was wrong. They quickly tested me for various things like strep and covid and said they would be back when results were done. Less than ten minutes after that, I got notification on MyChart of my results (all negative, by the way) and they came back in to say that they still felt I had a viral infection and sent a few scripts over to my pharmacy.

They offered me a note for work, gave me the expectations for the next few days and a plan if I didn’t improve. After sharing some Karen Read trial updates with a few nurses, they sent me on my way.

Total time I was there: 1 hour and 7 minutes.

I think we are all very quick to complain when things don’t go right when we are sick and I really felt compelled to share at what I thought was an over the top, exceptional visit at Southcoast Health’s Urgent Care in Fall River. I felt as if I was being cared for every step of the way and that my time was important to them as well. Every single person there, despite it being the end of the workday (they close at 8 PM and I got there shortly after 6:30 PM) was in fantastic spirits, seemingly happy to help me, while I was miserable.

So thank you to the team over at Southcoast Health’s Urgent Care for making me feel better in more ways than one.

Primary correspondent for the Greater Fall River area, Jess focuses on human interest stories and investigations into political corruption. She is a former fill-in host and digital contributor at The Howie Carr Show, former host of The Jessica Machado Show and SouthCoast Tonight on WBSM in New Bedford, former blogger at The Herald News and a former fill-in host at WSAR in Fall River.



  1. Dr Barbara Sunderland Manousso

    June 21, 2024 at 9:03 am

    What a blessing!!! Thank you for sharing.

    My husband last year went to St. ANN’S er….5 hours later, just when we resolved to leave, they took his vitals, gave him a guerny next to the ambulance entrance, never asked any history questions and he has cancer and Parkinsonism at 85 yo, and then the doctor just wrote a script for an antibiotic that he can’t take for uti.

    Your story gave us hope in medicine!

  2. Bryan Shurtleff

    June 21, 2024 at 10:06 am

    Let me start by saying I never make comments whatsoever, but after reading the experience had at Southcoast Health’s Urgent Care in Fall River, I had to chime in. A couple of months ago I went to the Southcoast Health’s Urgent Care in Fairhaven. I had never been to an urgent care facility until that point, but I am so glad I went! I think I was the last patient into the building, and they still took me. I know I was the last patient to leave when they were closed, but they were still very nice about it. As a matter of fact, they were amazingly nice, professional, friendly, and caring from the moment I walked in the door until the moment I exited. Most of my experiences at St. Luke’s ER have not been so pleasant that I thought I would try the urgent care, and I plan on going there in the future, if possible. Thank you so much!

    • Jess Machado

      June 21, 2024 at 10:19 am

      Love to read this! My daughter has gone to the Soutcoast Health Urgent Care in Seekonk and has had the same experience as we have. They are doing it right!

  3. Sheryl

    June 21, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    Don’t comment much either myself but I had a very pleasant experience at the south coast location in Lakeville. Ot was very pleasant and quick and much better than going to the hospital

  4. Patrick Higgins

    June 22, 2024 at 2:29 pm

    I went to the Seekonk office ever since they first opened, they have it right every time. One time I went they said I needed to be treated at the ER and wanted to send me by ambulance, I declined the ambulance and drove to Fall River Charlton ER. They were waiting for my arrival and gave me hell for not coming by ambulance. Lesson learned, in my defense, I didn’t want to have to ask someone to bring me back to Seekonk to get my car.

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