Lee’s Market in Westport reveals employee tested positive for COVID-19

A local market has decided to be transparent and let customers know of a positive test of COVID-19 among their employees.
In a letter to customers, the market stated the following.
“In strict compliance with the guidelines set forth by both the CDC and OSHA and to provide the highest degree of transparency, we are informing all that an employee at Lees Market recently tested positive for COVID-19. This staff member discontinued work prior to displaying symptoms of COVID-19. According to the Westport Board of Health and the Massachusetts Department of Health, the employee being non-symptomatic in the workplace means the employee posed little or no risk to anyone at Lees Market.”
In the statement, Lee’s informed the public of the steps they are taking to address the issue.
“We would like to instill the highest level of confidence that Lees Market has exceeded the necessary steps to ensure the safety of our staff and customers. These steps include, but are not limited to:
– The staff member has not been permitted to return to work until meeting all CDC guidelines. These include: allowing at least seven (7) days to pass, testing negative twice within a 24 hour period in secondary COVID-19 testing, and/or they must be without fever and symptoms (under 100.4° F without fever reducing medication) for 72 hours, with or without secondary COVID-19 testing.
– Performed a comprehensive investigation of the employee’s contact with others throughout our facility. From this investigation, we have informed necessary staff, third-parties and authorities to ensure that the issue is contained to the highest degree. Any staff who are symptomatic but have not been tested for COVID-19 will not be permitted to work.
– Continued our rigorous cleaning and sanitizing program of the entire workspace to minimize the potential spread. We have even gone beyond CDC and OSHA guidelines and installed plexiglass shields at our registers, enforced social distancing protocols, implemented extensive store-wide sanitizing policies and much more.”
“As always, your continued health and wellness are always our top priority and we will do everything in our control to make Lees Market the safest shopping experience possible. Thank you for your understanding while we all navigate these unusual and uncharted waters together.”
March 29, 2020 at 3:05 pm
it is sad to think that many cashiers and store workers may be in this predicament . think of the hundreds of people they encounter every day. most of them are limited work hours to keep them at a part time help status. i’m not saying this is what happens at Lee’s as i do not know, but others stores practice this policy as to avoid paying their health insurance. so many of your cashiers who ar making $12-13 hr and are exposing theirselves to this virus don’t even have any health insurance to pay for them. it’s a sad truth.