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Kennedy campaign in Somerset gathering signatures



Representatives of the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidential campaign were in Somerset on Thursday to meet voters and gather signatures to ensure their candidate makes it on the ballot in Massachusetts this fall.

Alicia Crabbe, Chairwoman of the Bristol County Kennedy Campaign organized the friends and family event at the Society Coffee Bar and shared that about a dozen people stopped by to learn more about the Kennedy campaign. Kennedy, who was first enrolled as a Democrat, switched parties and is now running for president as an independent.

Kennedy campaign materials at their signature event in Somerset this week.

Kennedy will need 10,000 certified signatures from registered voters in Massachusetts in order to appear on the ballot in the November election, but the team looks to gather about 16,000 to ensure they meet their goal.

According to the team, a voter who signs Kennedy’s nomination papers is simply supporting the placement of his name on the 2024 Presidential Election ballot here in Massachusetts. Signing nomination papers does not mean an endorsement for Kennedy for president, nor does it mean a voter must vote for Kennedy in November.

A voter signs Kennedy nomination papers in Somerset on Thursday

An important side note that the team wanted to make sure voters were aware of: signing Kennedy’s nomination papers does not put the voter on the campaign’s email list.

Team members present were passionate about their candidate, sharing that groundwork for the campaign was just starting up here in Bristol County and across the state. As the campaign season moves forward, they will be looking for volunteers for more events and are excited to get started.

One of the most asked questions of team members while on the campaign trail for Kennedy? Where he stands on vaccinations. Crabbe said it is one of the most misrepresented pieces of information there is on Kennedy.

“Kennedy is not anti-vax. All of his children are vaccinated. He is for safe vaccines.”

Another hot topic surrounding the candidate is the Biden administration’s refusal to provide secret service protection for Kennedy, despite his status as a presidential hopeful, dangerous encounters with stalkers and Kennedy’s own father, Robert F. Kennedy, being assassinated while campaigning himself for president in 1968.

Kennedy team members speak with supporters Thursday in Somerset.

Anyone who would like to sign nomination papers can email Crabbe at and for more information on the Kennedy campaign, head over to

Primary correspondent for the Greater Fall River area, Jess focuses on human interest stories and investigations into political corruption. She is a former fill-in host and digital contributor at The Howie Carr Show, former host of The Jessica Machado Show and SouthCoast Tonight on WBSM in New Bedford, former blogger at The Herald News and a former fill-in host at WSAR in Fall River.



  1. Trump loves the poorly educated suckers.....

    April 19, 2024 at 10:42 am

    With our antiquated voting system all he is is a spoiler, one almost as crazy as Trump! If we used rank choice voting this wouldn’t be a problem. Ask Maine. Until they implemented rank choice voting they only seem to get the worse and now they get the best for everyone. Unfortunately we have a lot of mathematically challenged people in this country. Those are the same ones that don’t understand world economics and blame all the wrong people for their problems.

  2. X dem

    April 20, 2024 at 8:30 am

    I like RFK Jr but I can’t get past the vax stance and the 2a. I would vote for him because I hate with the Biden administration did to him. Anyone deserves to be on the ballot. It is your right to vote against them. It’s absurd. I’m still a President Trump fan but please everyone NO BIDEN THIS TIME!? Wake up!

    • Trump loves the poorly educated suckers.....

      April 20, 2024 at 10:13 am

      So you’ll vote for fascism over a booming economy. We have a crash every time the Republicans take over and you want that again? And why got you lost everybody who likes the orange Mussolini do you actually listen to his fascist words? Fascism won’t just hurt this country but the whole world. It’s sad that people don’t learn from history. What kind of a person loves an a-hole?

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