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Juvenile facing punishment for corn maze vandalism, investigation ongoing



Photo courtesy of Escobar's Farm

The party responsible for damage done to a local corn maze has been identified.

According to Detective Lieutenant Michael C. Arnold, on October 19, Portsmouth Police Detectives received information from concerned parents that one of their children may have been responsible for the vandalism at Escobar’s Corn Maze, which occurred in the overnight hours of October 13th. Detectives interviewed the juvenile who took responsibility for the vandalism at the 8 acre corn maze on Middle Road.

Portable toilets and picnic tables were turned over in the vandalism along with damage to corn stalks and signs.

The juvenile will face court sanctions along with any restitution for the damage.

This investigation is ongoing and detectives are currently following up on several leads, which may result in additional arrests.

The Portsmouth Police Department would like to thank the public for the numerous tips that were received, which has generated a majority of the leads in the case along with commending the parents involved for bringing the juvenile forward and accepting responsibility for the incident.

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