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Hundreds of Fall River Diocese students to attend March For Life in Washington D.C.



Photo courtesy of Bishop Connolly

Whether you agree or disagree with the stances being taken, many from the area have been expressing themselves through marches and protests as of late and that trend will continue next week.

According to the Diocese of Fall River, almost 300 high school students and chaperones from the five Diocesan Catholic high schools will make the long bus trip to Washington DC for the 47th March For Life from January 22nd to the 24th. The students will join tens of thousands of others from around the country.

Irina DeLucca, Director of the Pro-Life Apostolate for the Diocese of Fall River comments, “It is amazing to witness the passion and dedication our students have in their pro-life beliefs. The March for Life offers them an opportunity to experience first-hand the importance of getting involved in order to make a difference.”

“This is my third year attending the March for Life. Every year, the March for Life is an incredibly impactful experience. Being on the March for Life is more than defending babies in the womb. It is defending all life, from the moment of conception to our natural death,” indicates Thomas Canuel a senior at Coyle and Cassidy High School. “We cannot ignore our responsibility to stand up for life and what is right. For me, the March for Life allows me to remain in solidarity with the most vulnerable in society and pray for all those who cannot defend their own lives.”

Marie Carney, a senior from St. John Paul II adds, “The March is my favorite part of the entire event because we have an opportunity to listen to some amazing speakers, meet students from all over the United States, as well as play a small part in showing support for such a big issue. Our pro-life beliefs need to be heard and I am so impressed by the distance many schools travel to show their support.”

As the former Director of the Pro-Life Apostolate, Marian Derosiers concludes, “When we first started going to the Pro-Life March 26 years ago, there were a total of 84 pilgrims. Today, that number has tripled and continues to grow. What a blessing to have so many young people represent all of us at the March for Life events in DC. May our prayers, through the intercession of Our Lady, ask for His blessings on all our Diocesan Pilgrims. We are so grateful and proud of all of you.”

The buses will depart from Bishop Stang, Coyle and Cassidy and Bishop Connolly early on Thursday morning and are expected to arrive in Washington DC later in the day.

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