Good Samaritans, animal experts, come to the rescue of Massachusetts endangered species at Myles Standish State Park

An endangered patient was stuck out in the cold at a Massachusetts park. Thankfully some Good Samaritan’s stepped in to help.
According to the New England Wildlife Center, park goers observed this beautiful, Red-bellied Cooter cold and seemingly distressed sitting alone for 2 days out in the open at Myles Standish State Park. Good Samaritans contacted Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife and park rangers to get her the help that she needed.
A park employee rushed to her aid and got her to the NEWC Weymouth hospital as fast as she could. Their team anxiously awaited her arrival wondering what condition she must be in.
NEWC stated that turtles should be brumating by this time of year but with the scattered warm days she must have missed the memo and endured many near freezing nights by this point.
Red-Bellied Cooters are an endangered species in Massachusetts making her somewhat of a VIP which only added to NEWC’s anticipation to be able to help her. Once she arrived, Dr. Patel performed a full physical examination.
Their findings revealed that she was hypothermic, quiet, had a significant amount of discharge from her nose and mouth, had increased respiratory rate and effort, and observed an audible gurgling noise on inhalation. All of these are ingredients of a classic presentation of upper respiratory infections in reptiles.
NEWC took full body radiographs that only solidified their suspicions showing consolidation in the right lung often seen in cases of pneumonia. They collected blood to send to their reference laboratory for a full diagnostic workup as well as culture swabs of her mouth and nose to determine the bacteria or fungus that was causing her illness. In the meantime, she is being treated with fluid therapy, injectable antibiotics, and a nebulized antifungal to fight the infection at the source.
NEWC is very hopeful for the recovery of this big girl (did you know female Red-Bellied cooters can weigh up to 12.5 pounds?). She will be with them all winter recovering and resting.