From sport to public service, there aren’t many people like Fall River native Ken Medeiros who passed away this week

If you are between the age of 10-50 and was involved in youth sports in the Fall River area, you probably knew Kenny Medeiros.
The 62-year-old Medeiros sadly passed away on Sunday at his home surrounded by his loved ones.
There are many ways you could have known Kenny. Here are a few.
According to family, Kenny served as a Senior Administrative Clerk at the Department of Public Works in Fall River for nearly 40 years before retiring in 2023.
Kenny was a fixture in youth sports in Fall River and Swansea. Whether it was refereeing CYO basketball games decades ago or passing his knowledge and values unto young athletes. He also taught golf for many years.
Medeiros didn’t just teach sports, he played them and at a high level. He was a pro golfer who won many titles including the United States Professional Golf Teacher’s Association’s National Championship. Kenny also played low A baseball with the Milwaukee Brewers and tried out for the club.
You may have also seen Kenny cheering on his Boston teams due to his unwavering love of sports.
Despite his many personal achievements, family members say what was most important to Kenny was family. “He found immense joy in spending time with loved ones—including their dogs—creating memories filled with laughter and warmth that will forever be treasured by those left behind.”
Kenny’s Funeral Service will be held on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 10:00AM in the Waring-Sullivan Home at Birchcrest, 189 Gardeners Neck Rd. Swansea, MA 02777. Relatives and friends are invited. Visitation will be Sunday from 4:00PM to 8:00PM.
Thank you, Kenny, for leaving the Fall River area a better place then you found it.