Freetown firefighters knock down Friday evening fire

Freetown firefighters extinguished a residential fire on Friday evening.
Shortly after 6:00 p.m., Freetown Fire Department personnel were on the scene of a structure fire at 10 Cottle Lane in their town. Car 1 arrived on scene to find a 2 1/2 story home with smoke visible from the exterior. Crews advancing into the interior found fire extending from the room of origin into the second floor hallway.
According to FFD, firefighters were able to contain and extinguish the fire within a few minutes.
Apparatus assigned were Car 1, Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Ladder 2, Tanker 2, Rescue 2, and Rescue 3. Dartmouth Fire District #3 also responded with an engine to the scene and the Lakeville Fire Department provided station coverage.
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