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Free computer classes being offered at library, senior center in Fall River



Fall River Public Library, 104 North Main Street, will offer a second series of free beginning computer classes for adults in August and September. The four-part workshop, Computer Basics, will run on Tuesday afternoons from 1-2:30 from August 21st through September 11th, and on Thursday evenings from 6-7:30 from August 23rd through September 13th in the library’s meeting room. The classes are designed for beginners—no computer experience is required.

Each week will cover a different topic, starting with the basics of getting around on a computer and progressing to internet safety. Six library laptops will be available for people to use, or people can bring their own laptop if they have one. Total class size is limited to 10 (4 people with their own computers, and 6 people without).

Week 1 — August 21/August 23: Computer basics – keyboard and mouse.
Week 2 – August 28/August 30: Internet searching and databases.
Week 3 – September 4/September 6: Setting up an email account.
Week 4 – September 11/September 13: Internet safety and security.

Registration is required. Please call the circulation desk at 508-324-2700, ext. 2, to sign up. Let staff know if you will need a laptop and if you are registering for all four classes in the series.

The library is also currently offering computer classes in the North End Senior Center on Wednesday mornings from 10-11 a.m. Senior center classes are for people over 60 only, and class size is limited to 5. For more information on these classes, call Don at the senior center at 508-324-2711.

In addition, the library offers one-on-one tech tutoring on Tuesday afternoons by appointment. These half-hour sessions are open to anyone who needs help with using a computer, tablet, or phone. To set up an appointment, call the reference department at 508-324-2700, ext. 3.

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