Four-year-old boy dies after serious Thursday morning crash

A boy has lost his life after a serious crash Thursday.
According to the Mashpee Wampanoag Police Department, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal member Okemos R. Brown passed away after the crash.
According to Falmouth Fire and Rescue, just before 9:00 a.m., Falmouth Fire Rescue and the Falmouth Police Department received reports of a motor vehicle crash in the vicinity of the on ramp to Route 28 North from Nathan S. Ellis Highway (Route 151).
First arriving Fire Rescue personnel found a four door grey sedan with significant driver side damage and a flatbed delivery truck.
Boston MedFlight was requested to transport Brown with life threating injuries. The 28-year-old female driver accompanied the minor child with Medflight.
Photo courtesy of Falmouth Fire Department
The adult female had non-life threating injuries, according to authorities.
The driver of the flat bed truck refused medical treatment and transport.
The accident remains under investigation by the Falmouth Police Department.
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