More dates added for free Fall River Mobile Market

More events are taking place for those in Fall River struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A Mobile Food Market will be taking place in the parking lot of the Fall River YMCA at 199 North Main Street.
The Y, in partner with the Greater Boston Food Bank, will be offering the temporary market in a no contact drive-thru pick-up where everyone must practice social distancing by keeping 6 feet of separation between individuals.
Food items will be pre-packaged and CDC guidelines will be followed during the market.
Vehicle trunks must be accessible and have room to place 2 grocery bags.
YMCA Southcoast-Fall River Executive Director Stephanie Mancini stated that the markets will be a “no registration” event.
Since we first aired this story, Mancini has secured more dates. The market will take place this Wednesday, June 10th at 10:30 a.m. An additional market is scheduled to take place on June 18th at the same time and location.
Additional dates will be added as needed.
We. Are. Grateful.
The Greater Boston Food Bank Thank you to our amazing crew for boxing and distributing 15,000lbs…
Posted by Fall River YMCA on Thursday, May 21, 2020
All recipients will receive food on a first come, first serve basis.
If you have any questions regarding the market, call the YMCA at 508-675-7841 or e-mail Stephanie Mancini at
May 26, 2020 at 10:02 pm
I got stuck in the middle of this traffic a few weeks ago and I was shaking my head at all of the nice cars that were in line for free food. I bet a majority of those waiting could afford what was provided for free. People are just greedy and take advantage of events like this. What about doing this for people who don’t have cars. I’m sure those are the ones that could benefit from this.