Former Fall River Mayor Flanagan Switches Party Affiliation to Republican

Fall River, MA – In a surprising political shift, former Fall River Mayor Will Flanagan, a lifelong Democrat, has announced his decision to join the Republican Party.
Flanagan, who was once a leader in the Democratic Party and who served as mayor of the city from 2010 to 2014, cited growing dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party’s stance on key issues as the driving force behind his decision.
Speaking to local media, Flanagan expressed concern over the party’s positions on border security, abortion rights, and what he described as “woke policies.”
“I’ve always been proud to be a Democrat, but over time, the party has moved in a direction that no longer aligns with my values or the needs of our community,” Flanagan stated. “
“I did not leave the Party the Party left me.” Explained Flanagan. “We need policies that prioritize national security, uphold the rights of the unborn, and reject the divisive nature of identity politics.”
Flanagan’s switch marks a significant moment for the region, as Fall River traditionally leaned heavily Democratic in its political affiliations.
While he did not confirm immediate plans to re-enter public office, Flanagan hinted at staying engaged in state and Federal politics.
Flanagan joins a growing list of politicians across the country who have switched parties in response to ideological shifts within their ranks, reflecting broader debates on the future direction of the nation’s political landscape.