Fall River Zoning Board of Appeals grants Special Permits, Variances, to turn commercial space, mill, into 100+ new apartment units

Several projects went in front of the Fall River Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on Thursday.
MARINO Z. BENEVIDES, c/o Atty. David M. Assad requested a Special Permit under Section 86-423B of the City of Fall River Zoning Ordinance. The petitioner proposed to divide a lot into three lots, leaving an existing three-family dwelling (#94 Everett Street) on one lot, another existing three-family dwelling (#310 Alden Street) on a second lot, and the existing six-family dwelling (#84 Everett Street) on a third lot. The property is located within an “A-2” (Apartment) Zoning District.
The Special Permit was granted.
AROUND THE CLOCK SERVICES INC., c/o Jeffrey Tallman requested a Special Permit under Section 86-423B of the City of Fall River Zoning Ordinance. The petitioner proposed to divide a lot into three lots, leaving an existing three-family dwelling (560 William Street) on one lot, another existing three-family dwelling (#570 William Street) on a second lot, and the existing single-family dwelling (#572 William Street) on a third lot. The property is located within an “A-2” (Apartment) Zoning District.
The Special Permit was granted.
KMA REALTY TRUST INC., KIMBERLY ALMEIDA TRUSTEE c/o Jeffrey Tallman requested a Variance to divide the existing lot into two parcels proposing leaving the existing single-family dwelling (395 Goodwin Street) on one parcel with 4,700 sq.ft. and 60.00’ of frontage, waiving lot area, lot frontage, lot coverage and side yard setback requirements and creating a new second parcel with 6,117 sq.ft. and 90.02’ of frontage, waiving lot coverage requirements for the purpose of constructing a single-family dwelling. The property is located within a “R-8” (Single Family) Zoning District.
The Variance was granted.
JANET HARRISON, c/o Jeffrey Tallman requested a Variance to divide the existing lot into two parcels proposing leaving the existing single-family dwelling (18 Holland Street) on one parcel with 18,512 sq.ft. and 160.00’ of frontage requiring no relief and creating a new second parcel with 10,050 sq.ft. and 70.0’ of frontage, waiving lot area, lot frontage, side yard setback and lot coverage requirements for the purpose of constructing a single-family dwelling. The property is located within a “S” (Single Family) Zoning District.
The Variance was granted.

JAMIE DUFF c/o Atty. Peter A. Saulino requested a Variance to convert the existing Automobile Detailing Facility/ Former Daycare at 951 Slade Street into an 11 Unit Apartment Building/Automobile Detailing Facility on a 26,783 sq.ft. parcel waiving the lot area/unit count requirements as detailed in Section 86 Attachment I (Table of Dimensional Regulations) and Section 86 Attachment II (Table of Uses) of the City of Fall River Zoning Ordinance.
The applicant also requested a Special Permit to expand the preexisting nonconforming lot coverage from 90.5% to 100%. The property is located within a “A2” (Apartment) Zoning District.
The proposal involves 9 one-bedroom and 2 two-bedroom market rate apartments, and includes 30 parking spaces, 3 more than required.
State Rep. Alan Silvia and City Councilor Linda Pereira spoke in favor of the project stating residents have been calling having difficulty finding housing.
Nearby residents signed a petition against the project with parking, noise, and crime concerns.
The Variance and Special Permit were granted with 6′ high privacy fencing required.

9TH & BEDFORD LLC, DEMETRIOS SALPOGLOU, MANAGER c/o Atty. Peter A. Saulino requested a Special Permit to convert the two, ground floor commercial units of a pre-existing nonconforming mixed-use building containing two commercial units and six residential units at 351-357 Bedford Street into four one-bedroom apartment units resulting in a ten-unit residential only apartment building. The proposal allows a reduction in the number of parking spaces, parking space size and parking aisle width requirements. The property is located within a “MD” (Medical) Zoning District.
According to Saulino, ownership has been unable to find two tenants for the commercial units. Also, currently, only 3 residents in the 6 current units have vehicles and believes parking will not be an issue.
The Special Permit was granted.
MASSCAN CAPITAL LLC, EDD HAMZANLUI, MANAGER c/o Katie Enright requested a Special Permit to convert the existing mill building at 460 Globe Street into an 89 Residential Unit Apartment Building. The proposal would allow a reduction in the number of parking spaces, parking aisle width and parking setback to a property line requirement. The property is located within a “CMD” (Commercial Mill) and “HD” (Housing Overlay) Zoning District.
The proposal includes 89 parking spaces and landscaping.
MassCan Capital LLC received $250,000 in grants for the $20+ million project which will be used towards the adaptive reuse of 98,190 square feet of Globe Yarn Mills at 460 Globe Street into 4 studio, 57 one-bedroom, and 28 two-bedroom market rate units.
The mill was built in 1881 and has a project completion timeframe of 2027 with shovels breaking ground in about a year. The building currently houses Rack ‘Em Up Billiards and the Globe Street Flea Market.
The Special Permit was granted.