Fall River Zoning Board of Appeals gives go ahead for 75 new residential units, new hair salon, in various projects

The City of Fall River Zoning Board of Appeals responded Thursday to several proposals that would bring 75 new residential units to the city.
TETRAULT REAL ESTATE LLC care of Atty. Peter A. Saulino initially sought a Variance to divide the existing parcel at 102 Meeson Street into three lots, leaving the existing dwelling on Lot 1 and constructing a two-family dwelling on each of Lot 2 and Lot 3. Applicant also initially sought relief of the Fall River Zoning Ordinance, by way of Variance, as to lot area (affecting Lots 2 & 3), rear yard setback (affecting Lot 2) and lot coverage (affecting Lot1). This property is located in a R-4 (Two Family) Zoning District.
Due to neighborhood complaints over crowding concerns, the request was tabled for a future meeting.
37 PARK STREET PARTNERS LLC care of Atty. Peter A. Saulino sought a Variance to convert the pre-existing non-conforming structure at 37 Park Street into 68 residential apartment units waiving lot area, and dimensional requirements. Also, a Special Permit section 86-441 to reduce the number of parking spaces from 136 parking spaces to 75 parking spaces. This property is located in an A-2 (Apartment) Zoning District.
The market rate apartments would include 25 studio, 25 one bedroom, and 18 two bedrooms. Saulino stated that the property needs extensive work with a project price tag at approximately $17 million.
The Variance and Special Permit was granted.
MASS #1 LLC care of Atty. Arthur Frank requested a Special Permit to extend the current non-conforming use from 11 to 16 apartments by adding 5 one-bedroom units at 1476 Pleasant Street in accordance with section 86-424, waiving dimensional and parking requirements. The property is located in a B-L (Local Business) Zoning District.
$400,000 would be invested into the building and the rents are expected to be less than the city average.
The Board approved the Special Permit.
MARLENE E. ABAD care of Atty. Peter A. Saulino requested a Variance to construct a two-family townhouse style dwelling at 150 Baker Street (vacant lot) waiving frontage, area, and lot coverage requirements in an R-4 (Two Family) Zoning District. The specific ordinance reference is 86 Attachment 1 of the Fall River Zoning Ordinance.
The Board approved the Variance.
ANCHOR HOLDINGS LLC care of Jeffrey Tallman requested a Special Permit to divide the subject property at 114 & 122 Davis Street into two lots leaving each 4-family dwelling on separate lots Section 86-423 B in a M(Multi-Family) Zoning District.
The Board approved the Special Permit with the stipulation of no further subdivisions and separate utilities.
SHAKER INVESTMENTS LLC care of Jeffrey Tallman sought a Variance to demolish the existing, non-conforming warehouse at 27 Woodbine Pl. and construct a proposed two-family dwelling waiving lot area, and lot coverage in a G (General Residence) Zoning District.
The warehouse is in pretty bad condition, according to Tallman and the road is a low traffic area.
The Board approved the Variance.
MARILHA LOPES care of Atty. Peter A. Saulino sought a Variance to convert the existing one stall garage at 177 Plain Street into an appointment only, one station hair salon waiving use and off-street parking requirements in a M (Multiple Family Residence) Zoning District.
Lopes lives at the home and would be the hairdresser. Hours of operation will be Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 am. to 5:00 p.m.
The Board approved the Variance.