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Fall River sees 2 more deaths due to COVID-19 bringing total to 7



Fall River has seen more confirmed positive cases of COVID-19.

24 additional cases of COVID-19 have been identified in Fall River. This brings the total in Fall River to 533. The City has been notified of its seventh fatality due to COVID-19.

The Fall River Health Department is in contact with the individuals who have tested positive as well as their contacts.

As of Thursday, 205 cases have cleared isolation.

Saturday, the city revealed 26 more tested positive for COVID-19. Sunday, 14 more cases were announced. Cases jumped Monday as 34 cases were confirmed in addition to the city’s fourth death from the virus. Tuesday’s update revealed 37 more cases. Wednesday saw 36 additional cases. Thursday the mayor announced 25 more COVID-19 cases.

The Mayor continues to encourage residents to practice social distancing. This means keeping a distance of 6 feet between individuals. Continue to wash your hands on a regular basis, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and stay home as much as possible, especially when you are sick. These measures will help to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Governor Baker issued an executive order today making a mask or face covering mandatory in public.

Massachusetts reports 154 more deaths due to COVID-19, almost 14,000 tests performed.

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