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Fall River robber, carjacker sentenced to state prison

A 53-year-old Fall River man who robbed a laundromat and then on the next day carjacked and assaulted a pair of elderly sisters was sentenced



A 53-year-old Fall River man who robbed a laundromat and then on the next day carjacked and assaulted a pair of elderly sisters was sentenced to serve seven to 12 years in state prison, Bristol County District Attorney Thomas M. Quinn III announced.

Daniel Carvalho pleaded guilty last week in Fall River Superior Court to a multi-count indictment, charging him with breaking and entering during the nighttime, larceny from a building, carjacking, assault and battery on a person over 60, and two counts of being a habitual offender.

On July 6, 2017, the defendant broke into Fall River Express Laundry and stole cash.

Then, on July 7th, the defendant went to Price Rite on Pleasant Street in Fall River, where he carjacked two elderly sisters who had gone to the store to grocery shop. The defendant forcefully grabbed the car keys from the 69-year-old driver while she was getting out of the car. The defendant then turned to the driver’s 61-year-old sister and ordered her out of the car. When she refused, the co-defendant in this case, Evelyn Frederick, 48, of Fall River, repeatedly punched her in the head.

Fall River Police arrived quickly on scene and encountered the defendants in the vehicle. Both defendants were placed under arrest without incident. Ms. Frederick was sentenced this past January to serve two-and-a-half years to four years in state prison for her role in the crime.

“This defendant is a career criminal who committed a very violent offense while in his early 50s,” District Attorney Quinn said. “The only alternative to protect society is the lengthy state prison sentence imposed by the court in this case.”

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Rita Conlon

    June 30, 2018 at 10:29 am

    I think for this case and because she’s an habitual offender and the man as well should serve more than that.. they should get a mandatory 8-10 years each..

    Again and again they steal and hurt other innocent people to rob from them.. time to start letting them no there’s no two year bids.. time for themto stop before they kill someone just lucky for th these innocent people that no one was killed before…

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