Fall River officials to discuss plan to expand motorcycle trail in Freetown-Fall River State Forest

A meeting has been scheduled for Fall River officials to discuss the plan of expanding off-road motorcycle trails.
SWCA Environmental Consultants have filed a Notice of Intent on behalf of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation for the expansion of the Off-Highway Motorcycle trail network in the Freetown/Fall River State Forest.
The project would take place near Copicut Road and Grinnell.
The expansion would occur for work within designated NHESP habitat, crossing a BVW, two intermittent streams and is proposed within the 100′ Buffer Zone of several other wetland resources.
The overall goal is to replace a minimum of 4 miles of trail, potentially up to 7 miles of trail within the existing State Forest, having been lost with the disposition of 300 acres to the Fall River Redevelopment Authority.
The project is set to be discussed at the Fall River Conservation Commission hearing on Monday, May 3, at 5:30 p.m.
The 5000-acre Freetown/Fall River State Forest includes 25 miles of trails for hiking, horse-back riding, or off-roading (dirt bikes only).
Dirt bike riding season begins from the Monday after the first weekend in May to the last Sunday in November.
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