Fall River now has 23 total cases of COVID-19

Fall River has 3 more COVID-19 cases.
According to Mayor Paul Coogan, Fall River now has 23 confirmed cases of COVID-19, up 3 from yesterday. Bristol County is now up to 306 confirmed cases.
“Only up 3 today but still plenty of work to do. Be smart and stay safe and together we will all make it.”
The City is also looking for volunteers when and if they are needed. If you know of any medical professionals who are interested in volunteering, individuals can sign up with MA Responds via The Health Professionals Volunteer Website.
To sign up, click here.
March 31, 2020 at 8:43 pm
The ignorance of others not respecting social distancing is astounding. Surprising…….nope. I’m sure the fakebook scientists got it all figured out though.
April 1, 2020 at 7:47 am
The title is misleading. There are likely more than 23 total cases. There are 23 confirmed cases.