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Fall River man who fought some of city’s biggest fires, helped build fire stations, and served our country, has died



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A Fall River man who served his community in multiple capacities for decades has died.

According to an obituary, 92-year-old Raymond Fiola passed away on Sunday.

Fiola served both Fall River and his country.

He was a retired Lieutenant and Chief of Maintenance for the Fall River Fire Department both fighting some of the city’s toughest fires (Notre Dame and Kerr Mill) and helping build two fire stations (Flint Reney/Eastwood and Candeias).

Before dedicating 32 years of service to the FRFD, Fiola served honorably in the United States Navy aboard the USS Salerno Bay during the Korean War.

A visitation will be held Friday, September 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Auclair Funeral Home, 690 South Main St. Fall River.

His funeral service will take place in the funeral home at 11:00 a.m.  Burial will follow at Notre Dame Cemetery, 1540 Stafford Rd. Fall River.


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