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Fall River man held on bail after confrontation leads to slashing of tires



A Fall River man is facing several charges after an incident Thursday morning.

According to Deputy Chief Barden Castro, at approximately 8:30 a.m., officers responded to the Hartwell Quick Stop, 350 Rodman Street, for a disturbance. 

Officers learned that a confrontation had taken place where one male slashed the tires of an SUV in the parking lot.  The vehicle owner related that the suspect was known to him and had approached him about money which was owed from four years ago on a job they worked together where they did not get paid.  During the confrontation the victim reportedly told the suspect that he should take up the money issue with the contractor who they had worked for.  After that the suspect pulled out a razor knife, pushed him, and then punctured his tires.

Officers were able to identify the suspect as 44-year-old Fall River resident John Dorvil. 

Officers were able to locate Dorvil and place him under arrest without incident. 

Dorvil is being charged with Assault by Means of a Dangerous Weapon (knife), Malicious Damage to a Motor Vehicle, and Assault and Battery.

Dorvil was committed to the Bristol County House of Correction after not posting $1,000 cash bail during his arraignment Thursday.

His next court appearance, a pretrial hearing, is scheduled for September.



  1. Fed Up

    August 15, 2024 at 5:12 pm

    Illegal alien rapes a minor and gets a $500 bond but my guy slashes someone’s tires and gets a $1000 bond? On par for the Banana Republic that’s the Massachusetts legal system

    • Sherry

      August 15, 2024 at 7:08 pm

      Both are wrong regardless and maybe where the other guy was illegal that’s why who knows but both are wrong u don’t act like an animal and slash tires either

      • Fed Up

        August 15, 2024 at 9:05 pm

        You’re stating the obvious. My comment was about the discrepancy between the bonds and relative offenses.

      • D. Azeved0o

        August 15, 2024 at 10:00 pm

        Two different stories. The illegal alien snuck over the border and raped a little girl. He got out on $500 bail (should have been fined and deported immediately.) An American Citizen slices someone’s tires and gets DOUBLE the bail of the illegal rapist?

        • Marie Hayden

          August 16, 2024 at 7:11 am

          F.Y.I. NO ONE gets deported ” immediately”. There’s not a little helicopter waiting to whisk someone away from the courthouse.

    • D. Azeved0o

      August 15, 2024 at 9:51 pm

      Right!!! Unbelievable, and what’s with the bail? He snuck over the border rapes a little girl and gets bail!! Wtf is that, he should pay the bail and immediately be deported! Or perhaps beaten to a pulp and dumped back over the border.

    • D. Azeved0o

      August 15, 2024 at 10:02 pm

      Something very wrong in this country lately.

      • MassTexan

        August 16, 2024 at 4:50 am

        Agreed. Down here in Texas Bond amounts are set higher, particularly for violent offenders; however, still not high enough. We passed legislation allowing Peace Officers to arrest anyone illegal, but the law is on hold at the moment. hopefully it’s lifted soon.

        Let one of these animals hurt one of the Judge’s or prosecutors family and or property and I can guarantee the bond will be higher.

    • John wayne

      August 16, 2024 at 7:17 am

      Ya right I agree with u bro hey he work he should get paid he don’t bother anyone he a good dude and he get more bail then a pedophile the court system back ward and the world fall apart with all these added people here hope he gets out but I want to get paid if I work dam straight

      • Ray.B

        August 16, 2024 at 2:18 pm

        From the victim in this case
        You all should be aware of his 4 page record for assault and battery, resisting arrest, assault on police officers etc
        He was very lucky I didn’t ask the judge to set his bail even higher, had he done the job that he received half the money for correctly the contractor without have gladly paid him the rest, however his drug and alcohol abuse prevented him from even completing the project he was given to do, so instead because of his own actions from years ago he decided to engage me and try to stab me and then slash all of my tires, instead his actions will cost him thousands of dollars in lost wages and repairs needed to my vehicle etc there’s always two sides to a story, the truth which is mine and his lies while he sits in a jail cell

    • John g.

      August 16, 2024 at 7:23 pm

      You ever think your guy has been given multiple and multiple and multiple chances at living a normal life but yet still decides to be a menace to society, your guy will finally be in jail where he belongs once again, even after posting his bail

  2. Rags

    August 16, 2024 at 9:12 am

    In the case of the illegal being talked about above bail should be set on likeliness to appear and you have a record of friends and addresses for a citizen but an illegal not so much and they can disappear more easily. We should be cooperating with ICE and their agencies to keep citizens of our State safe. The problem lies in MA and other States being Sanctuary States and also that some of these illegals are criminals and some are terrorist. This is not going to end well.

  3. Gary

    August 16, 2024 at 9:39 am

    “Welcome to ‘Biden/Harris/Healey Dem’s America” & “Massghanistan”!

    ” MA., There goes another UHAUL”!

  4. Ray.B

    August 16, 2024 at 2:06 pm

    In regards to Mr dorville there are always two sides to a story, the second and honest side to the story is he was given a job to do and was to busy getting drunk on the job daily and didn’t complete the job correctly he was given the opportunity to do the job correctly and failed to do so or attempt to make the job right for the customer/contractor, he then waited years to when try to rectify the situation and instead retaliated upon myself that actually knew him and gave him the job to do when he was down and out in his lunch in life, years passed by we happened to be at the same location, a verbal confrontation took place, but again John drinks and does to much drugs as well and he instead decided to pull a razor knife out to stab me and then decides it would be in his best interest to slash all my tires, so now instead of just going about his useless life he now sits in a prison cell with debt upon debt amounts are piling up including the law suit that I will impose upon him for his menace to society actions, my 20 year old son was subjected to almost seeing his father almost stabbed to death over this piece of garbage, so there you go fall river there’s the actual truth of how the life of drugs and alcohol abuse can ruin your life in less than ten minutes he’s actually lucky they only asked for a grand make able bail, I was at the arraignment and could have easily asked to increase his bail instead I told the judge he needs mental help and help to clean his life up and to get off the s*** he’s on, at one point in his life he had many people including myself in his corner to help him but I guess you just can’t fix stupid

  5. Crystal

    August 20, 2024 at 7:48 pm

    I am just saying that I think you’re not supposed to be talking about anything to do with this case at all because you’re dumb because it’s in the middle of it and you’re not supposed to say anything to anybody about what’s going on or they’re gonna think it’s all a lie so you’re dumb for just saying everything you just said and made his case disappear stupid so who’s the dumb one?

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