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Fall River man gives back with free snow removal



21 year old Christian Torres of Fall River had a simple idea. He wanted to give back to his home town by shoveling sidewalks, driveways, and digging out cars for free from the mounds and mounds of snow that dropped Thursday in the city.

He didn’t just shovel one or two sidewalks or a couple of cars. “I have shoveled about 16 properties” said Torres. “I cleared sidewalks with snow banks up to my chest and I shoveled out cars that were buried deep in snow to the point you can’t even see them.” Torres began his mission early in the morning and was still at it into the evening. “I’ve been out here since 7 in the morning and I’m on my last property now. It’s pretty cold, but I won’t stop until it’s finished.”

He helped the elderly, the disabled, and others that just needed a helping hand. Several were so appreciative of Christian’s efforts that they wanted to pay him, but he wasn’t looking for money. One of those resident’s was Darline Martins. “He did it for free! I had my son run outside and give him $20 but he didn’t ask for anything at all . He is amazing.  He also is coming back for my moms car. So nice!”

On a day when many are complaining about plowing and drivers, Christian had a different take on Thursday’s storm. “It’s just a sense of giving back to people and to just brighten their day. Especially the people who can’t do all of this themselves. It’s a pretty basic reason, but today I made a lot of people happy and I get to go home and sleep well.”

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