Fall River Heritage Park ending event season with “The Rivers and the Rail”

Fall River, MA –DCR Fall River Heritage Park will close its break-through 2018 season of programs and events with a focus on the beginnings of Fall River industry and commerce. On Wednesday September 26th at noon in the Visitor Center Theater, local historian Taylor Silva, Head of Reference Services, Fall River Public Library, will explore “The Rivers and the Rail” and how nature and the railroad provided a transportation network that spurred the development of Fall River industry and commerce. Without the Quequechan and Taunton Rivers would there have been a Fall River?
This season at FRHSP celebrated contemporary industry in Fall River under the theme of “Making Things”. Each month featured a different product made in Fall River – from contemporary textiles to hats to luxury leathers, soaps, and high-tech tools – with changing displays, interactive and hands-on activities, and guest speakers at the Park’s monthly noon-time Lunch Meet series. This lecture is the final Lunch Meet lecture of the Season. It circles back to the beginnings of industry in the area and how it all began.
Free parking available in the DCR Lot at 5 Water Street. Best for adults and older children. Reservations are not required. Free! For more information, please call (508) 675-5759 x500.
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