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Fall River Forever Paws Zorro likes to hang out with people and loves to go for walks



Meet Fall River Forever Paws Pet of the Week Zorro!

Zorro is a nine-month-old husky weighing about 50lbs. He is everything that you would expect from a husky puppy. He’s energetic, he’s social, he’s bouncy, he’s LOUD, and he’s dramatic! He’s got typical puppy brain but is a very, very sweet, gorgeous boy that would be a fantastic addition to a family with breed/similar breed experience.

This boy is a big ol’ scaredy cat when it comes to other dogs. It doesn’t matter if they’re bigger than him or smaller than him, they’re all equally as intimidating. He’s not aggressive at all, just kind of wants to shuffle on his way and not even acknowledge that they’re there. He’s equally afraid of cats so would be fine in a home with any dog-friendly cats that won’t bully him because he’s absolutely the type to let a cat bully him. Forever Paws is also asking that any kids in the home be 12+.

Zorro likes to hang out with people and loves to go for walks. He’s actually pretty good on a leash considering his size and his energy level! He’s not much for playing right now but he does like to explore and investigate. He’s shown no signs of aggression or resource guarding, but he does scream like he’s singing opera when the vet tries to examine him so keep that in mind.

To apply, visit and click adopt to download the application. Once complete, you can email it to or fax it to 508-677-9175.

The Pet of the Week is brought to you by NEW LEAF, an adult-use dispensary with the best-in-class customer service at 2629 South Main Street and 360 Second Street in Fall River. Click on their Facebook page or their website to learn more.


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