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Fall River Firefighters begin coat drive to keep children warm



With the cold weather upon us, the Fall River Firefighters are once again beginning their drive to keep children warm in our city during the winter months.

The 5th Annual IAFF L-1314 Fall River Firefighters Operation Warm fundraiser puts winter coats on many children every year. $32,000 has been raised in the last four years which has given FRFD the ability to put a brand new winter coat on almost 1600 local children. According to Union President Jason Burns, in some cases, it is the 1st time a child has a brand new winter coat to call their own.

“We’ve put coats on children who attended school at Watson Elementary (every child), Fonseca Elementary, Viveiros Elementary, Greene Elementary, Leterneau School, The Boys and Girls Club, The Head Start Program, Greater Fall River Re-Creation, The YMCA and many local charitable organizations including homeless shelters. The impact from the community has been nothing short of incredible.”

Through the Operation Warm web page, you can make donations directly to their OW account (a 501c3).

Burns, who appreciates the strong support in past fundraisers, points out how just small donations add up.

“Donate whatever you can. It all adds up so quickly. For every $20 donated we get to put a coat on a child. We have a goal of making that impact on 400 kids this year and pushing our total to 2,000 coats.”

To help FRFD keep children warm this winter, click here.

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