Fall River dog believed to be stolen day after Christmas has been located according to owner

Some good news as a dog in Fall River that was believed to be stolen has been located.
Boomer Amaral had believed that his family dog was taken from his Indian Town Road yard the day after Christmas.
The 8-year-old Husky who goes by the name of “Chaos” was located on Sunday morning according to a social media post by Amaral.
“Thank You FRPD, Environemtal Police officers Brum and Medeiros as well as Hawkeye Aerial Solutions and everyone who shared and kept the pressure on. We could not have found him without you. Thank you to those who helped behind the scenes as well. Thank you all so much. Peyton has her best friend back.”
Amaral stated that FRPD Environmental Police spent time off duty to locate Chaos with some help from vigilant citizens in the area.
A positive story as we head into the new year.
December 31, 2023 at 2:31 pm
Problem is, people who walk these trails were insulted by the owner. Dog got out on his own. Where is the apology? Freaking SIMPS!