Fall River Diocese, Bishop da Cunha, to hold annual Procession and Mass for Peace

FALL RIVER – Members of the Fall River Diocese are invited to join Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., in the annual Procession and Mass for Peace on Monday, October 11, 2021, the Columbus Day holiday.
Participants in the procession should meet by 5:30 p.m. in the area of St. Anne’s Shrine, across from Kennedy Park on South Main Street, to march approximately one-half mile to St. Mary’s Cathedral. The procession will begin at 6 p.m. Marchers will carry candles, recite the rosary, and sing Marian hymns.
At 7 p.m., Bishop da Cunha will celebrate the Mass for Peace at St. Mary’s Cathedral, located at the corner of Second and Spring Streets. The bishop will be homilist at the liturgy.
“For over 40 years now, our Diocese has maintained this beautiful tradition of gathering together to pray for peace on the holiday, which falls near and sometimes even on the date of the October 13th anniversary of the final apparition of our Blessed Mother in Fatima in 1917. Her request to the three children to whom she appeared over six times that year was to pray for peace, and our tradition of a procession and Mass is a response to her urgent appeal,” said Bishop da Cunha. “It seems no matter the year, as we gather for this event, peace and justice remain elusive in so many areas and to so many of God’s children.”
The Mass for Peace will be live streamed on the diocesan Facebook page at www.facebook/fallriverdiocese.
Those who are disabled or handicapped should proceed directly to St. Mary’s Cathedral, where a special area will be designated for them.
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