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Fall River continues to see housing boom as developer eyes 15 new apartment units



More apartment units are eyed for the City of Fall River.

According to the Agenda for the January 18, 2024, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, developer Jaime Duff, represented by Atty. Peter Saulino, seeks a Special Permit to convert a portion of the existing structure at 951 Slade Street and 1006 Dwelly Street into fifteen residential units, as well as a Special Permit for relief from parking requirements.

The property, built in 1965, is located in an A-2 (Apartment) Zoning District.

The 14,000 square foot building is across the street from Chew Playground and near Cook Pond.

The proposal comes on the heels of over 850 units getting Zoning Board approval for variances and special permits in September.

Proponents of the Fall River housing boom feel that more units available in the city will bring down rent prices while some residents believe that most of the units in the process of being built are not affordable for most city residents.



  1. TJ

    January 13, 2024 at 8:24 pm

    Ill be the first to make the predicted complaint
    “Hur durr sneef snarf blarf something about immigrants and paying with taxpayers monies oh and maura healy is a cu..’

  2. Josh

    January 13, 2024 at 11:22 pm

    The last thing that dump you call Fall River needs is more apartments! The city needs more places to work that pay enough to afford the apartments there already. The avg income isn’t even equal to the cost of rent. There are several family’s living in their cars in Walmart parking lot with their children because they can’t make enough money to pay rent anywhere in the city! Landlords are charging thousands of dollars for run down apartments in the ghetto! A decent apartment for a family with 3 bedrooms is going for more than $2500 and there isn’t any jobs that even pay that much in Fall River. Even the crooked Mayor Coogan don’t live there! He lives in Rhode Island.

    • TJ

      January 14, 2024 at 1:50 pm

      Yeah they want to shove everybody in “shared living” units like they do with all those illegals out in boston ; hence why they put the illegals first … To normalize “shared living” for the highest bid for apartments. The mayors done nothing for local businesses they all shut down and are turning into store chains. All he cares about is getting family members jobs and his friends first dibbs on all the commercial property for when the train comes in to appease all the snobby aristocratic elites.

      You want work in fall river for what? the majority dont qualify for the “work” that would meet the income standards for those apartments. Youre just forcing people out of the city to become gypsy travelers. Like, really, what jobs do you think would be put here? … Union jobs? Theyre part of the reason that COLA is up due to shaking their coffers and demanding wage raises. So what do you think is gonna happen? Its poor economic development. Cant develop land when you dont consider developing the people that were here all their lives to thrive.

  3. MFRGA

    January 14, 2024 at 3:43 pm

    No one is asking for more hours at work, just for more money!

  4. Bob Messier

    January 18, 2024 at 7:40 pm

    Learn a trade or skill and you will stop complaining about rent cost. Not happy then buy your own house. Stop trying to get by on a kids job. PAY IS BASED ON SKILL…

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