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Fall River company combines with local organizations to help homeless during COVID-19 pandemic



FALL RIVER, Mass. – Lighting manufacturer, Spectrum Lighting Inc. has partnered with local organizations Relentlessly InC. and Thrive for Humanity to address the need for outdoor equipment in the Fall River homeless community.

According to Breeana Baptista at Relentlessly InC, city shelters are currently experiencing capacity limitations due to the pandemic, leaving a large number of people in need of a warm place to shelter.

Spectrum Lighting Inc. has donated $5,000 to Relentlessly InC. to purchase outdoor equipment such as winter tents, sleeping bags, tarps, and mats for this community. Thrive for Humanity will then work hand-in-hand with the nonprofit to ensure the outdoor equipment purchased is personalized and allocated throughout the community for maximum impact.

“This has been an incredibly difficult year for all of us but imagine that you have no house or apartment to shelter in during the cold winter months and the pandemic. Spectrum Lighting has been in Fall River for nearly 30 years and wanted to help bring some level of comfort and warmth to the local homeless community, especially during this year of unprecedented hardships. We know this money will be put to good use to help the most vulnerable in our neighborhood have a safer winter. Relentlessly InC and Thrive for Humanity are great resources for our local homeless community that are dedicated not only to providing shelter from cold and illness, but for assisting in providing permanent solutions as well.” -Chris Roemlein, President of Spectrum Lighting, Inc.

“Relentlessly, InC. welcomes the opportunity to connect Spectrum Lighting with Thrive for Humanity to satisfy a local human need that Spectrum was seeking to fulfill. Since partnering with like-minded organizations and people throughout the city is of primary focus for us, we are grateful to be of service. Our goal is for this relationship to be the first of many that we foster with hope and grace in impacting the people of this city.” -Laurie Kraus, Director of Relentlessly InC.

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