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Fall River City Council approves ordinance concerning civil fines for homeless camping



Those in Fall River homeless camps can now face civil fines if certain criteria are met.

The City Council voted 6-1 to pass the ordinance with Laura Sampson being the lone no vote and Joe Camara and Shawn Cadime not being present.

Laura Sampson gave two passionate speeches stating she could not vote in favor of the ordinance when there was not enough room in shelters for those living in the camps.

Cliff Ponte noted how the community has helped curb the amount of homeless in the city and urged the City Council to pass his ordinance for the city to create a housing fund for housing issues.

Michelle Dionne stated that the ordinance would help get the homeless off the streets and something has to be done.

Brad Kilby agreed with Dionne and stated the council had to act and that the ordinance isn’t etched in stone and modifications can be made.


Throughout the meeting council members referenced understanding both sides of the issue both the homeless and their advocates and neighbors living near the camps.

Among the ideas brought to the council to house the homeless were tiny houses and using more funds and a regional approach with Fall River not bearing all of the responsibility of taking care of the areas homeless.

Ponte told Fall River Reporter that the mayor has the option to veto the ordinance if he chooses.

Several citizens spoke during citizens input mainly against the ordinance, including Sheriff of Bristol County, Paul Heroux.

One resident in favor of the ordinance mentioned that we are letting immigrants that are here illegally stay in hotels but aren’t doing the same for the homeless.


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