Fall River Bishop announces initiative designed to strengthen diocesan priesthood

FALL RIVER — Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., has issued a pastoral letter to Catholics of the Diocese of Fall River introducing an initiative designed to strengthen the ministry of diocesan priests and, in so doing, helping ensure vibrant and holy parishes and ministries.
In the pastoral, entitled A Time for Fortitude, Bishop da Cunha shares that his vision for the future of the Diocese “focuses on moving the local Church forward in relationship to Christ by actively working towards bringing to our priests more stability, hope, holiness, and wellness.”
Directing this move forward toward fruition is an innovative and comprehensive plan called “The Stronger Priests, Stronger Parishes, Strong Church Initiative,” which the bishop explains in his letter.
The pastoral letter and the initiative at its center were announced by priests at parish Masses this past weekend throughout the Diocese. Beyond the overview they received, parishioners were encouraged to visit the diocesan website to read the pastoral in its entirety along with further information on the initiative.
“The Stronger Priests, Stronger Parishes, Strong Church Initiative” is a three-year endeavor to systematically strengthen the diocesan priesthood and direct diocesan and parish resources towards this primary aim. It is designed to strategically address organizational and individual obstacles impacting the successful ministry of priests. The initiative features six priorities, identified as either diocesan-centric or priest-centric, to be implemented between 2025 and 2027.
Materials prepared to accompany the letter provide a plan of action steps for each priority.
In his pastoral, Bishop da Cunha emphasizes that flourishing priests lead to flourishing parishes and ministries.
Of his new initiative, he writes, “Such a process will result in a Priesthood set up for success for years to come and a new positive ministerial environment where Christ can more readily reach every soul in our Diocese through the mediation of His priests.”
Bishop da Cunha outlines a variety of complex challenges that priests now face, and while many are still able to minister effectively, he writes it is time for the Diocese as a whole to take action to respond to changing realities.
“With over 42 years of priestly experience, including vocations and seminarian formation with the Vocationist Fathers, and 21 years as a bishop, I can confirm that, despite its many joys, the priesthood is in great need of healing and renewal,” he writes.
Bishop da Cunha closes his pastoral with a call to action for all members of the Diocese, encouraging support for the new initiative in three ways: embracing fortitude for the process; increasing prayer for its success especially by participating in a Spiritual Bouquet for its intention; and taking action through participation in the initiative and supporting priests.