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Fall River, Berkley, and Middleboro men charged in armed road rage incident on Route 24



Three men have been charged involving an armed road rage incident on Route 24.

According to Lieutenant Steven Abbott, on Thursday, Freetown Sergeant Edward Dwyer, together with Patrolmen Thomas Ashley Jr., Ryan Pereira and Adam Salinaro, were dispatched to a reported road rage incident involving two vehicles, a GMC and an Audi, allegedly ramming each other as they traveled along Ridge Hill Road and South Main Street. The vehicles then entered upon Route 24 where the occupants of the GMC reported that the Audi had pulled alongside their vehicle and that the front seat passenger pointed a handgun at them.

Sergeant Dwyer, joined by Patrolmen Ashley and Pereira, were able to detain the Audi’s driver and passenger in the parking lot of a local business. A pat frisk of the Audi’s front seat passenger yielded a loaded Smith and Wesson semi-automatic handgun. Patrolman Salinaro, joined by State Trooper Zachary Thomas, proceeded to a nearby location where they interviewed the occupants of the GMC.

Police obtained an audio recording between the Audi’s driver and its passenger in which the driver allegedly told the passenger to “flash” the handgun.

The Audi’s passenger was identified as 21-year-old Tyler J. Weigel, of Middleboro. He was arrested and charged with assault by means of a dangerous weapon.

The Audi’s driver was identified as 21-year-old Zachary J. Gallant, of Berkley. He was summoned to court on the charges of assault by means of a dangerous weapon (handgun), assault by means of a dangerous weapon (motor vehicle), and reckless operation.

The GMC’s driver was identified as 24-year-old Jared J. Eaton, of Fall River. He was summoned to court on the following charges: assault by means of a dangerous weapon (motor vehicle), and reckless operation.



  1. Jake Perry

    May 3, 2022 at 8:04 am

    Three worthless punks.

  2. michael

    August 1, 2022 at 9:52 pm

    especially the gallant kid. him and his older brother stephen are absolute garbage human beings. entire family should be ashamed.

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