Fall River ballots, polling places for September 4th primary

Here are the Fall River ballots and polling places for the Tuesday September 4th primary. Keep in mind that depending on what ward and precinct you live in will determine who is on your ballot as selections will vary for representative and senator. What party you are registered with will determine whether you receive a democrat, republican, or libertarian ballot. If you are unenrolled, you will be able to select which ballot you want to receive. Polling places are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Elizabeth A. Warren Unopposed
Jay M. Gonzalez
Bob Massie
Lieutenant Governor
Quentin Palfrey
Jimmy Tingle
Attorney General
Maura Healey Unopposed
Secretary of State
William Francis Galvin
Josh Zakim
Deborah B. Goldberg Unopposed
Suzanne M. Bump
Representative in Congress 4th District
Joseph P. Kennedy III
Gary J, Rucinski
Representative in Congress 9th District
Bill Keating
Bill Cimbrelo
Joseph C. Ferreira Unopposed
Senator in General Court First Bristol & Plymouth District
Michael J. Rodrigues Unopposed
Representative in General Court 6th Bristol District
Carole A. Fiola Unopposed
Representative in General Court 7th Bristol District
Alan Silvia Unopposed
Representative in General Court 8th Bristol District
Paul A. Schmid III
District Attorney Bristol District
Thomas M. Quinn, III
Clerk of Courts Bristol County
Marc J. Santos Unopposed
Register of Deeds Fall River District
Bernard J. McDonald III Unopposed
County Commissioner Bristol County
John Thomas Saunders
Frank N. Durant
Geoff Diehl
John Kingston
Beth Joyce Lindstrom
Charles D. Baker
Scott D. Lively
Lieutenant Governor
Karyn E. Polito
Attorney General
James R. McMahon III
Daniel L. Shores
Secretary of State
Anthony M. Amore Unopposed
Keiko M. Orrall Unopposed
Helen Brady Unopposed
Representative in Congress 4th District
Nobody Running
Representative in Congress 9th District
Peter D. Tedeschi
Thomas F. Keyes Unopposed
Senator in General Court First Bristol & Plymouth District
Nobody Running
Representative in General Court 6th Bristol District
David L. Steinhof
Representative in General Court 7th Bristol District
Nobody running
Representative in General Court 8th Bristol District
Nobody Running
District Attorney Bristol District
Nobody Running
Clerk of Courts Bristol County
Nobody Running
Register of Deeds Fall River District
Nobody Running
County Commissioner Bristol County
D. Rosa Unopposed
Daniel Fishman Unopposed
No other races feature a libertarian candidate.
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