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ERO Boston removes unlawfully present fugitive convicted of multiple counts of child rape



BOSTON — Enforcement and Removal Operations Boston removed a 37-year-old unlawfully present fugitive wanted by Brazilian authorities for failure to serve a 14-year prison sentence for multiple convictions of rape of a vulnerable child. Deportation officers from ERO Boston removed Saulo Cardoso-Ferreira from the United States to Brazil June 28 and turned him over to Brazilian authorities.

“Saulo Cardoso-Ferreira attempted to flee justice and take up refuge in Massachusetts,” said ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons. “He posed a significant threat to the children of our communities, and we could not let that continue. ERO Boston will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by arresting and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from our New England neighborhoods.”

Cardoso unlawfully entered the United States on an unknown date, at an unknown location, and without being inspected, admitted or paroled by a U.S. immigration official.

Brazilian authorities want Cardoso for failure to serve a 14-year sentence for multiple convictions of rape of a vulnerable child.

The Tisbury Police Department cited Cardoso Oct. 26, 2020, for unlicensed operation of a vehicle and speeding.

Deportation officers from ERO Boston arrested him Nov. 14, 2023, near his residence in West Tisbury.

On April 12, 2024, a Department of Justice immigration judge ordered Cardoso removed from the United States to Brazil. Deportation officers from ERO Boston removed Cardoso from the United States to Brazil June 28 and turned him over to Brazilian authorities.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. ?

    July 15, 2024 at 2:25 pm

    Should have been deported when they pulled him over in 2020

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