Durfee’s Colton McGrath makes it through on American Idol!
Durfee’s Colton McGrath has advanced to the solo rounds in Hollywood!

Durfee’s Colton McGrath has advanced to the solo round in Hollywood!
On Monday night on American Idol, the two hour episode started with contestants lined up for one performance each with judges announcing who in each group of ten was advancing. Next came the group rounds where more cuts were made. Colton was not featured in either round, but he has advanced through both of those rounds to the solo round which will air Sunday!
Colton released a statement after last night’s episode:
“Hey everyone… even though my group wasn’t featured tonight, I’m just letting you all know that I MADE IT THROUGH GROUP ROUNDS!!! THAT MEANS I MOVED ONTO THE SOLO ROUND OF HOLLYWOOD WEEK AT AMERICAN IDOL! So stay tuned next Sunday at 8pm. Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll show my solo audition. Hope you all keep watching. Thank you very much for all of you who have mentioned my name or supported my music and journey! I’m definitely feeling the love!”
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