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Due to previous success, Drag Queen Story Time to be monthly event at Fall River library



Fall River, Mass. (October 12, 2021) – The Fall River Pride Committee is pleased to announce that it is now hosting its popular Drag Queen Story Time series on a monthly basis.

The committee saw the event held on Saturday, October 9th, to have been a success and is looking to host it every month at Fall River’s public library.

Bella Luna, the drag queen who read to children this past Saturday, has agreed to read to children again on Saturday, November 13th from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., although different queens are expected to host in the future. She will be reading “And Tango Makes Three” by Justin Richardson & Peter Parnell, as well as “Unicorns 101” by Cale Atkinson.

“Story Time was so much fun and it was lovely interacting with all the families.”, says Luna through her social media accounts. After the November Story Time, there will be a break for the holidays before starting up again in January with a different queen.

An official project of the SouthCoast LGBTQ Network, The FRPC is also working to bring a pride festival to Fall River annually.

For more information about The Fall River Pride Committee, contact Myles Lowery at (508) 728-8297, or email More info about FRPC can be found on its Facebook page:



  1. david

    October 13, 2021 at 12:28 am

    Drag Queenism is a cutesy but calculated method to indoctrinate your children into a depraved homosexual lifestyle; a ‘lifestyle’ of sadness, hopelessness, and mental and emotional disorder.

    Drag Queenism seeks to condem a young boy into the living hell of gender confusion and dysphoria and kill his potential manhood before it buds. Drag Queenism strikes at the very ‘ID” (soul) of a young boy to shatter it for life. It is demonic and that’s why adult observers of drag quennism always feel a sense of revulsion and unease at seeing men dressed as women and acting as women.

    Any parent subjecting a child to Drag Queenism is complicit in causing grave emotional, psychological, and spiritual damage to their child

    • Mark

      October 13, 2021 at 6:55 am

      Crying about it before 1am, talk about hopeless and pathetic….

      • Twitwanger

        October 13, 2021 at 1:26 pm

        What is your point tardite?

      • david

        October 13, 2021 at 1:32 pm

        If as an adult male you enjoy Drag Queenism then your self-loathing must be on the very deepest clinical level.

        Seek a mental health provider but do not subject the rest of us to your distreesed and diseased mind.

        • Mark

          October 13, 2021 at 4:29 pm

          Drag queens have literally no effect on my life or yours and yet here you are whining about them at random hours of the night. Talk about a fervent obsession.

          • david

            October 13, 2021 at 6:01 pm

            False, Drag Queenism currently does have an effect on my life because the mentally ill Adult Men who dress as women and act as women have deliberately imposed themselves into the public arena by acting out their mental illness at a PUBLIC LIBRARY in front of small and impressionable children in MY community.

            Again, Drag Queenism can be conducted in a night club, in a private setting, out in the woods, at their Grandma’s house, at a resort, on a cruise ship, at a convention hall, at ‘Mark’s house, etc all day and night long.

            But, NO, that is not sufficent. The the mentally ill Adult Men actively seek to perform their depravity in front of young children. WHY ? why so importnat to act out in front of children? we all know the real reason; the goal is to influence and indoctrinate the childen (especaially the boys) and furthermore they ‘get off’ on it as these men are sexually thrilled by acting out in front of small children and having access to them. FRPD needs to be conducting CORI checks before these mentally ill adult males are allowed to be performing in close access to children. Also, the parents of such children need to be evaluated for fitness to have authority over their own children for subjecting them to mentally ill adult men.

          • Mark

            October 14, 2021 at 6:09 am

            That rant of yours is a clear cry for help….. Were you intoxicated while writing all of that drivel?

  2. Rosco17

    October 13, 2021 at 9:49 am

    Im all for freedom of speech and the civil rights of all of us. But why expose young children to lifestyle of drag queens is beyond me or the best interest of any child.

    • david

      October 13, 2021 at 1:40 pm

      Because :
      ” The Transgender Agenda is to destroy your Children”

      Freedom of speech is to practice demented Drag Queenism in the privacy of a club or home; not a public library in fron of young children.

      The goal is to confuse the children into believing there is no such thing as ‘gender” no gender, means no family, no family structure, no nation .. it is a sick form of societal suicide by serioulsy mentally ill adult males

      • Twitwanger

        October 13, 2021 at 5:17 pm

        David; you could slap these idiots in the face with the truth and they would still believe their corrupt programming. Many of these people are suffering Stockholm Syndrome. While many of these LGBTQ supporters preach unity and inclusion this does not include hetero persons. As far as destroying the family, after seeing what and who are around these days I would say it has been accomplished. The enemies of freedom have been corrupting American culture through the slow process of incrementalism only to have lately been in our faces non stop. We are reminded every second of the day that we are failing the most extreme and insignificant radical voices whom the Lamestream media trumpet from the mountain tops. The silent majority be silent no more.

    • Tim McGuire

      October 16, 2021 at 12:15 pm

      It’s really troubling that the intended audience are kids too young to have developed critical thinking skills.

  3. david

    October 14, 2021 at 8:30 am

    My name is ‘Mark’ but today I am going to dress up as a woman and wear a woman’s wig and women’s make-up and then find some very small children and then parade and prance around them and giggle and speak to them in my creepy girly voice in a sexually suggestive way all while reading a child’s book to them. I watch their shy, but confused, reaction as it sexually excites me more and more.

    Just another day in the life of a Drag Queen engaging in the mind rape of a child.

    • Mark

      October 14, 2021 at 10:44 am

      Making up lies to soothe your fragile ego won’t get you anywhere….

      • Austin

        October 18, 2021 at 2:57 pm

        Mark, anyone who supports exposing children to grown men in sexually suggestive clothing made for women is without a doubt, a pedophile. That’s how most people will view your replies.

  4. Twitwanger

    October 14, 2021 at 8:12 pm

    What the hell is an ego? Is it like getting the last word in during an argument? The “world elite” currently labeled the Davos Group, don’t want the bottom dwellers making new human babies. Humanoids will be the order of the day. If human beings have lost their will to procreate then in the minds of the Elite
    there will be a lot less of the social ills brought about by the useless eaters. Men are being chemically castrated by the latest chemical cocktail being fed to us in the food water and air. When is the last time that any of you have felt even good? It’s not a suprise that men are dressing like women they’re so confused bio-logically, chemically and mentally. Don’t even ask about men emotionally just look at these drag queens! At the end of the day we’re basically screwed as a species unless the sentient spirit grabs back ahold of just enough of our best examples to keep mankind moving forth. God did give man the roadmap to flourish but then lucifer showed up with geo-spatial mapping to block our individual journeys. What I’m telling you is that you are in a box and buttons are being pushed to control every action that you take. Stop feeding in to the main frame. There has never been better conditions than now to wake up.

    • Mark

      October 14, 2021 at 9:10 pm

      Dude lay off the meth……

      • Twitwanger

        October 15, 2021 at 2:10 am

        Sorry about the botched transition! Mark; aka. the ketamine kowboy. I’ll be at your next performance! PS; sorry I ran out of crayons, I know it’s your chosen media…

        • Mark

          October 15, 2021 at 6:45 am

          You sure you’re not on drugs?? Crying about me at 2 am is quite pathetic, I bet you’re unemployed……

          • Twitwanger

            October 15, 2021 at 8:46 am

            Just goes to show how wrong you are, on everything. You are a professional ASSumption warrior. No tears are being shed for you. Does your mom limit your hours of operation since your living in her basement, foraging through her toilet paper stash? Now get back to your studies on how long you can last on doritos and Anderson Cooper.

          • Mark

            October 15, 2021 at 11:19 am

            You’re clearly triggered, it’s so adorable 😊

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