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Construction improvements are coming to Swansea Mall Drive and you can have a say on what will take place



WANSEA 一 The Town of Swansea invites community members to attend a second community workshop regarding proposed improvements to Swansea Mall Drive, also known as Route 118.

The Town has been exploring design alternatives to the roadway to decrease speeding and vehicular accidents, increase access for pedestrian and cyclist activity, and encourage business development in the area. The project also entails beautifying the area with linear parks and tree-lined landscaping. Town officials are seeking public input and feedback about proposals that will soon be sent to MassDOT for approval.

The workshop will take place on Wednesday, January 10th at 6 p.m. at the Swansea Council on Aging, 260 Ocean Grove Ave.

This workshop will include a brief recap of the first Community Workshop hosted in June, as well as a presentation of the proposed alternatives that were developed based on feedback from the June session’s attendees.

Participants will also have the opportunity to break out into smaller groups to discuss additional ideas, questions and concerns.

Anyone who lives, shops, visits, walks, bikes or drives in the area of Swansea Mall Drive is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Anyone who cannot attend the Community Workshop but wishes to provide feedback can do so via an online Public Comment Form, available here.

The project was approved by MassDOT for approximately $9 million in construction funding to complete the redesign through the Massachusetts Transportation Improvement Program process. Swansea Mall Drive was identified as a top priority for improvement through a 2022 Complete Streets Prioritization Plan.

Should there be inclement weather on Jan. 10, the rain date for the event will be Jan. 17.

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