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UPDATE: City of Fall River summer clean-up postponed to new date



The City of Fall River’s community clean-up on Saturday July 11th has been postponed due to inclement weather.

The new date is Saturday July 25th, 2020 from 9:00am-11:00am. Details about the location for the postponed clean-up will be provided closer to the event’s date.

Gloves and trash bags will be provided. Limited tools will be available, so feel free to bring a rake or any other items that may be helpful during the clean-up. Additionally, please bring a mask and wear one when socially distancing is not possible.

All city residents are welcome to attend on the July 25th date. If an individual or organization is interested in participating, please contact Elaina Pevide in Mayor Paul E. Coogan’s office: or 508-324-2600.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Liberty

    June 29, 2020 at 9:29 pm

    Wow thanks Fall River. No festas, no fireworks on July the 4th, American Independance from the british monarch Day. Social distancing and masks in force. Forget about all the things that make us great and come have some real fun, a citywide cleanup. Count me out. Pick up after yourselves or leave the city. Born and raised here since 1972 and have never seen the decline accelerate more rapidly. Do nothing politicians paying us mouthservice while taking a paycheck from our tax burden. I have had enough and will be planning my extracation from such an unholy system.
    To hell with you satan and your minions.
    Upon the glory of the most high may your hands guide me out of this degradation.
    This is what it has cime too a culture of eat or be eaten. Don’t follow the vicious mob and you’ll be cancelled
    Just leave me alone,please…

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