To the editors: Since this case of potential censorship is being aired in public, the public has something to say. At 83, Margaret Atwood is still...
“As Massachusetts lawmakers strive to make the state more affordable and competitive through their long-awaited tax relief package, they must look beyond interests of the wealthy...
The Ware Police Department issued a scathing letter concerning Massachusetts gun bills. It reads as follows: After a series of “closed-door meetings”, the House has slithered...
Here is the letter as submitted by Kateri Chappell Buerman. “My name is Kateri Chappell Buerman, one of the Founders of the Four Hearts Foundation. Our...
The perfect after-lunch snack (sometimes breakfast) is a coffee and scone and I found the perfect scone at New Boston Bakery at 279 New Boston Rd...
To Whom It May Concern: “I would like to submit (a tip) regarding the decaying state of one of Battleship Cove’s most unique and fascinating attractions....
To the city I once loved. Fall River, the city I once loved, holds a special place in my heart. Born and raised here, I have...
If you’ve grown up in Bristol County, particularly in Fall River or New Bedford, Portuguese food is like BBQ in Texas or seafood in New England....
“As I enter my third year as your police chief, responsible for overseeing the 123 sworn men and women who serve the more than 60,000 of...
FALL RIVER – The Administration presented to the City Council tonight that after years of neglect, the cost of repairing the historic Bank Street Armory was...