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Bristol County Sheriff’s Office lowers CO hiring age to 18



Photo courtesy of Bristol County Sheriff's Office

DARTMOUTH – If you’re old enough to vote and serve in the military, you’re now old enough to be a Bristol County corrections officer.

The new age requirement for corrections officer cadets at the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office is 18, Sheriff Paul Heroux announced on Thursday. The previous age requirement was 19.

“We’re hearing from 18-year-olds who want to start their law enforcement career here and we’ve had to tell them to come back in a year,” Sheriff Heroux said. “If you’re old enough to fight for our country, old enough to vote, you’re certainly old enough to be a CO in Bristol County.”

The Sheriff’s Office runs an educational, career exploration program for high school students in which classes, mostly criminal justice, come to the House of Corrections for a tour and overview of law enforcement careers. BCSO staff explain how corrections work, give an overview of the different career paths available and answer questions from students interested in law enforcement.

“We’re losing good people, people interested and excited about a law enforcement career at the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office, because they’re finding other jobs and opportunities between their 18th and 19th birthdays,” Sheriff Heroux said.

The BCSO is also making it easier for new high school graduates to begin a career in corrections. Interested applicants can start the paperwork/interview process at 17, but must be 18 to start the training academy.

“If you’re 17 and want to start working for us when you turn 18, you can get the hiring process started before hand,” Sheriff Heroux said. “Jobs in law enforcement aren’t apply and start the same day. There are background checks, interviews and training. This will allow young adults to start that process earlier.”

Lowering the age limit is the latest initiative rolled out to boost recruiting and retention efforts at the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office. New COs earn a $5,000 signing bonus, and there are incentives for certain college degrees and prior military or first-responder experience.

The Bristol County Sheriff’s Office is holding a job fair on Wednesday, April 19 from 1-4 p.m. and Saturday, April 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the BCSO annex building, 421 Faunce Corner Road. Starting pay for corrections officers is $57,000 with the opportunity to earn more than $75,000 with overtime and incentives. Add in state pension, health insurance and other benefits, and now is the perfect time to start your law enforcement career at the BCSO. Contact for more information about careers, the job fair, or with any other questions.

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